VP and his shotgun

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You read it first on VR.com

You read it first on VR.com

With Terry as my inspiration:

"so, what's with the two Bush Administrations and quails?
The current Administration has a VP who took a shot at a good quail.
The first Bush Administration took a shot that a Quayle would be a good VP."
This was in our weekly newspaper.

News from the Capitol: (Tallahassee)

(AP) Even Gov. Jeb Bush is taking a *** at Vice President Dick Cheney's accidental shooting of a hunting companion.

Bush, younger brother of President Bush, spoke to about 1000 people Monday at the Florida State Fair Gov's Day luncheon. All guests, including the governor, were given stickers from the Florida Farm Bureau that read, "No Farmers, No Food".

Bush placed the bright orange sticker, the same color as a hunting jacket, on his chest.

"I'm a little concerned that Dick Cheney is going to walk in", he said.
Jay Leno joke

Jay Leno joke

Saw this in the paper this morning from Jay Leno's late show ---

"I had a bad dream. I dreamed I was at a Washington party and had to choose between a hunting trip with Dick Cheney or having Ted Kennedy drive me home!"

Yuck Yuck Yuck!
It was a bad accident, but what's getting me most is the lag time. Why was is not reported at once, ASAP? In fact, it was only released AFTER the owner of the ranch called a local newspaper with the story, near a day later. Will