Voting Day

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I hope everyone in the USA voted today. I did and feel great. In my state of Missouri, they put a tax increase to the vote on the people on cigerretes. I voted for the increase. I hope it might others to quit when cigs are too expensive to get. I quit 20 months ago and have been free since. I feel better and breathe better. I hope everyone voted today. We have to make changes here today in America. Take care and vote today.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
I vote by mail in every election. The party of my choice automatically sends me a ballot. We also have a "sin tax" on the ballot for a 60cent tax increase per pack for cigarettes, which I voted against. I do smoke and am once again trying to quit, something that I have tried to do at least 20 times. The problem that I have with our Proposition is the other items that they have imbedded in it.

Voting by mail is such an easy thing to do, especially if the ballott contains many Propositions. One of the Props here has 79 pages. I like the extra time I have to consider all the material. For anyone thinking about this, I would suggest that you contact the political party of your choice to get on their mailing list for future ballots.
I HAVE to vote - my sister is very active nationally, statewide and locally and she would have my head if I didn't - just kidding-she'd only be disappointed in me. But I do think it is a privilege to vote and if you don't vote, then I will NOT discuss ANY issues with you because you have no right to an opinion if you didn't cast your opinion at the polls.

Florida had 10 (count 'em) amendments to constitution and I voted against them because every single one of them would cost the taxpayer MORE money that we can't afford. Would be nice to have some of them but we just can't afford them. One of them, tho, was protection of pregnant pigs, if you can believe that one. True, I swear. As to cigarette taxes, that's a real bummer. Unfair to all, including those of you who vote FOR it.

Remember, folks, Florida polls are NOT closed yet - we are not finished voting as they stated in the last presidential election. Some of us are on Central Standard Time, one hour behind the rest of Florida. won't matter, tho, we'll screw it up again - somehow. Just watch us!!!! :D

you make our fair state sound ugh!!

Need to tell people that it is easier to AMEND the state Constitution than it is to pass a LAW.

In order to pass a law the legislature MUST address how the implementation will be funded. The folks that get enough signatures to get a Constitutional AMENDMENT on the ballot don't have to address funding, if it is passed then the state is required to pony up the needed funds. Just a stupid thing. We mandated a high speep rail service expected to cost 50 BiLLIONOor more and NO idea how to pay for it. One amendment that you should have voted yes for was one requiring a cost impact statement by the legislature for any Amendment. That way someone would at least know about what the tax consequences might be if the Amendment were to be passed. At the rate we are going the taxes here will be as bad as the rustbelt states.

We do make it easy for people to vote though.

Maybe should have voted for the one about tax break for adding MIL housing,too, but I just couldn't do it. And we are not a bad state - I have lived here nearly all my life and there's so much in Florida that is good and wouldn't want to live elsewhere. Left Fl once for 5 yrs and champed at the bit to get back home.

Hearing results right now and Jeb's got it. So has Katharine Harris. Very interesting - the whole thing, countrywise.