Virus Alert #3 Another New One!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Discovered on: August 19, 2003
Last Updated on: August 20, 2003 12:18:41 PM[email protected]

W32.Squirm@mm is an Internet worm that is written in C++ and is packed with PEBundle. It attempts to spread using the following methods:

By email, it sends itself to the contacts in the Microsoft Outlook Address Book, with the following message:

From: [email protected]
Subject: Microsoft Security Bulletin
Unchecked Buffer in Windows Explorer Could Enable System Compromise (329390)

Who should read this bulletin: Customers using Microsoft Windows 95,98,2K,ME,XP
Impact of vulnerability: Run code of an attacker's choice

Maximum Severity Rating: Critical

Recommendation: Customers using Microsoft Windows 95,98,2K,ME,XP should apply the patch immediately.

Attachment: or patch_329390.exe

Through file sharing applications, including KaZaA, Morpheus, eDonkey, Grokster, LimeWire, GNucleus, BearShare, Direct Connect, and ICQ, by placing itself in their default shared folders, if the programs are installed.

By using DCC, the worm sends in IRC.

The worm sends a notification to its author when a host is infected and listens on port 61282 for a connection.

Infection Length: 104,448

Systems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows XP
Systems Not Affected: Linux, Macintosh, Microsoft IIS, OS/2, UNIX, Windows 3.x

Everyone Please Remember That Microsoft Does Not Email Patches. You Must Go To Them To Get The Patch. Do Not Be Deceived By This Worm!
virus #3

virus #3


Not another one! Thanks for the information. Maybe it is time to switch to Apple!
Yea I seem to remember cleaning viruses off of Apples, too, in a past IT job :D And also applying security patches to Linux and Solaris boxes too. You can't get away from it.


I received an e-mail yesterday.
It said it was from Microsoft and the subject said 'you must download this patch immediately'.
Fortunately I had read on the Microsoft site that they DO NOT e-mail patches or any other downloads for that matter.
So of course I never opened it and just deleted it.
It's really scary for a lot of us older people who may not be the most computer literate around.
What I don't understand is that people still haven't patched their systems. Wasn't blaster enough for these folks? Now this one is really running amok. My firewall log is getting filled faster then anything I've ever seen before. 926 ping echos since midnight. I rarely see even 200 entries in one day.
Discovered on: August 19, 2003
Last Updated on: August 20, 2003 02:38:49 PM

They changed the name from Squirm to Pandem. It is still one in the same.
Hey Ross,
Thanks again for the info. You are always on your toes for us. Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical 27mm
Heart Center of the Rockies
Thought I caught the virus this morning. The computer stopped working and wouldn't even turn off. So I unplugged it, left it off for 30 seconds, plugged it back in to force it into Safe Mode, did a clean, scan and defrag.

I took a look at it while it was defragging, lots of holes. I forgot that last night I did a Norton Clean Sweep deep cleaning, even the registry. It left a lot of disordered files.

Working great now.

I'm happy it wasn't the virus.

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