Hi Sten,
Interesting topic. I was also given a good amount of hydrocodone and will prob. not even fill my one allowed refill. My surgery was May 28th, and I started to notice what IMO were negative effects of being on opiates this long. I agree with the "don't be a hero" sentiments, these drugs really make the healing process better for a while. You are likely to move around more which aids in flexibility/healing, breathe deeper which is good for recovery, etc.
I think the issue of weening off comes up once any negatives outweigh any minor discomfort like soreness weeks out.
I started to feel this last week like:
- My serotonin was being milked dry or something... when I wasn't on hydrocodone I felt pretty void of any joy/was crabby until I took more.
- Was having what I felt were withdrawal headaches. I am a pansy when it comes to minor ongoing pain and my head felt fuzzy/like I had a minor ongoing headache when I wasn't on it.
So I felt like that all day yesterday. Today I feel better. I bought some regular strength tylenol to take the edge off any soreness I still have. These drugs can affect everyone differently, and the effects I posted above is just my experience theories, am not a doctor and never even played one on TV/etc. etc.
:-] Pardon any typos, on le iPad.