Very sad prayer request.....

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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
Both my guts and heart have been ripped out yet again...........

Zoe, a beautiful little five year old girl, just lost her battle with her CHD. She died yesterday in her mother's arms. Her mom Tammy has been so supportive of me during Katie's ordeals and frequently posted on Katie's carepage. I am afraid that I am the one suffering a meltdown today.........all I have been doing is sitting around crying. Katie made me a card and told me that everything is going to be okay. I guess this one just really hits too close to home as we await Katie's next surgery.

You guys are so good about praying. Please pray for this family as they try and deal with their overwhelming loss. TAmmy is seven months pregnant, too, so I hope that she manages somehow to take care of herself.

Below is Tammy's post, and Zoe's picture can be seen at .

Thank you so much. Janet

"I wanted to let everyone know that Zoe passed away today.
The last few days have been hard. Zoe's heart did recover from the fontan reversal last week, but unfortunately when they brought her up from the reversal surgery they had to perform CPR and the lack of oxygen caused fluid build up in her brain that got worse over the last few days and eventually made her completely unresponsive to their tests.
Apparently she also had a lot of blood clots that were cleaned out in her heart during the reversal and she also may have had some of those too in her brain. The main reason the Fontan failed is b/c her left ventricle could not pump efficiently enough.
They took her off all of her sedation yesterday b/c her liver was damaged and they thought that she wasn't waking up b/c the drugs were starting to build up -- in hopes that she would start to wake up and show some signs that her brain was not damaged, but things just got worse over the night and eventually she was not showing any signs by the morning. This week has been the worst possible thing I hope to ever have to go through and I find comfort in knowing that Zoe doesn't have to ever feel any more pain or ever be tortured again. I wish she was never put in these unfortunate circumstances. She was such a perfect little girl who never deserved this -- the last thing she said to me before they sedated her for the reversal was that she just wanted to dance. She loved Angelina Ballerina and always wanted to dance around. Now she can.
I was able to hold her until her heart stopped today at 12:30 - I am so much in shock right now, and appreciate all of the good thoughts and prayers that everyone has sent out.
Even the surgeon wished that we would have never tried the Fontan again, but said it was the only chance at buying her significant time. If we would have only known.
This is all so unbelievable. I really have loved talking to everyone and know that this fortunatly isn't the way things usually go and kids are usually okay and pull through.
Thankyou again for everything that everyone has done - I love all of you.

Tammy, wife to James, and Mom to beautiful Zoe Sequoia.
7-20-99 to 9-5-04
Just breaks your heart. Our prayers for Zoe and her family. At least her suffering is over.
That is heart breaking. While I'm saddened by it all, I'm also happy for her. She no longer has to endure the continued suffering and worry that all of this brings about.

Heaven just got a new angel and she'll help protect the rest of us.
What a beautiful little girl..Yes, I will pray for her family..and all the Russian children who died 2 days ago. Know, they are all dancing in Heaven.. :) Bonnie
This is so sad. It brought tears to my eyes. May God bless this beautiful little angel as she dances around Heaven.
What A Beautiful Little Girl!!!

What A Beautiful Little Girl!!!

Hi Ther gijanet,

What a beautiful little girl....God must have needed her, and saw that she was ready to go home. My prayers are with her and her family as well as with you and everyone else who has to deal with life's obsticals in one way or another...This really breaks my heart....Take Care, Harrybaby666 :( :(
My word seem woefully inadequate, but Zoe's family will have my prayers. My deepest sympathy to you as well.
I'm so sorry that Zoe's family is undergoing this heartbreak. I'll pray that they will pass through this awful time intact, so that they will be able to one day remember Zoe only with serene happiness and joy. It is always so much harder on the ones left behind than on the one who goes to be with God.
Kiss Katy, hug her, and tell her again how precious she is to you and those who have come to know her and her story.
First off, for those of you who may be wondering...yes...I am in a very "strange" place mentally right now.

What a beautiful girl Zoe was! It sounds like most of her life was spent in hospitals and dealing with painful surgeries and procedures...yet the smile on her face tells me she must have been happy dispite her circumstances. My prayers go out to her family, and I hope they will always look back and cherish the time that they had with Zoe due to some of the most dedicated and caring people in the world.
Janet - Very sorry to read about this little five year old girl. I will definitely say a prayer for the young girl and all my sympathy for the broken hearted family.
Hi Janet
You and Zoe family are in my prayers. I lost my sister when I was 4yrs and she was 5 at the time. Some boys decided to set her dress on fire. My dad was supposed to be watching us at the time my mom was at work. She was burned over 90% of her body she fought for over two weeks. But then she was called to heaven. To this day I am scared to death of fire! I remember one night was I was first married I woke up in the middle of the night smelling smoke and was so scared I had my husband half out the window thinking the house was on fire.
Janet, please pass my deepest sympathy to Zoe's family. It can never be easy losing someone who should have thier whole lives ahead of them.

I will also be keeping you and Katie in my thoughts.

Best wishes
I'm So Sorry To Hear About Zoe

I'm So Sorry To Hear About Zoe

HI I, know you dont know me I'm chris I am so sad about this tradgy my family and I will pray for her family and yourself comfort in your times of need.nothing more sad in life when a beaitful child leaves this life.yes she can dance till hearts content now she will never leave you or her family /as a mormon myself we have our familes with us for time and all enterity that gives us great comfort when someone leaves this mortal life and that all mothers and fathers will have that chance to still raise that child when they get there take care i know these are only words but we care very much about all of you god bless you all chris


needed another Angel, Im so sorry for this family. Love Yaps
I'm so very sad for this family. I have never lost a child so I can't imagine the pain but my prayers will be going up for this precious family.

I am so very very sorry to hear about Zoe's passing. She certainly endured many many medical hardships in her too brief 5 years -- while her family watched on and agonized with her.
so sorry

so sorry

I know at sad times like this words seem so small but I too am so sorry to hear this sad news. Gods blessings with this sweet little Angel and her earthly family.

Thank you for your support........

Thank you for your support........

I have to confess that I have been in this deep, dark funk the last few days. I usually don't allow myself to go there - ya know, no time, gotta work, life goes on, etc., but this one really struck a raw nerve............maybe it is just the wait mode. Have you ever stood on a banana peel on the edge of a cliff, all the time knowing that at some point you are going to be thrust headfirst into a cavernous pit that you have just managed to crawl out of????? Well, it could be worse; the alternative is much worse. We have crawled out of that pit three times before, and we will do it again.........yet here are the constant reminders that some do not crawl out of that pit..............

Well, I didn't mean to bring y'all down, but there is so much sadness in the world today. And yes, Bonnie, I cried for the Russian children and their parents, too. And, Sherrin, I am so sorry...........what an agonizing and senseless loss............and how traumatic for you. The prayers are truly appreciated, and,while not forwarding your posts to protect your privacy, I relayed to Tammy that she and her family are in many, many people's prayers.

If the world had half the compassion of this group, it would be a much better place. Thank you. Janet