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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
First, I prepare for the Ice storm of the century..2 days dragging out lamps, ect..One little drop hanging from the roof at 4:30 a.m...The agreement between my Dentist receptionest and myself was to watch for school closings...So when I didn't see any school closings I dressed and went down the mountain to the next town and walked in..Good Morning. Oh, I have bad news..the Doctor is sick..I tried to call you and your line was busy.:mad: :mad: Now, have to wait until Dec. 19th.. So, I had 4 500mgs of Amox in my body all day. I shouldn't have any sore throat or a pimple:D :D Doctors, :p :p :p :p :p Bonnie
That'll teach ya not to stay on the computer forever. hehehehe
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I called my dr's office Tuesday for an appointment and they said 'he's out sick' (but he's only uptown 7 mi from me). What is it with our drs this week?

Are you a cracker or a transplant? I spent a couple of years in Georgia. Near the muscogee river. Columbus was the name of the city. I was stationed in the army at ft. Benning. It was the worst of times and it was the (I have a mental block on the next word) of times. :cool:
I was riding around in a blue 58 ford ragtop. thought I would have the top down all the time. WRONG Needed the top up for shade, it got so hot.


Do what I do, give MD home phone, cell phone and e-mail address. Out of those three, one of those should work!

I woke up this morning to see it was still snowing a bit here, but I can't complain as south of Boston got hit a lot harder than the NH border. Hubby is outside right now with the snowblower.

I can't wait to move to Florida. Yup, St. Pete area, where it is generally a lot warmer than New England.

Hope everyone is safe and warm from this storm.

I dream of it year long!

I dream of it year long!

My husband and I love the gulf side of Florida, and we normally vacation in St Pete although this year we will be going to Key West. I am always soooo cold that I really do need to have a warmer climate. I will miss the skiing, but I figure I could shoot home at least once in the winter to ski.

My husb. will be elligible to retire in about 7 years. I just wish I could take all my relatives with me when I move. I think that will be the hardest part. I just love the southern people. I find they are friendly and laid back. Here in MA it seems that everyone is always in a rush for everything. Definitely looking forward to the southern lifestyle. :)

Southern ways

Southern ways

Can you say Yall? and eat grits, okra and say I want sweet tea...:D I'm married to a damn yankee..37 years from Chicago. Never can get him to do these:p :p Bonnie
Gisele - you will love Key West. Son and his wife just visited there. My mother was born there 93 yrs ago - all her people came from there, via England, Nassau and Sweden. Visited there when I was small and it was a nothing town - went over the old 7 mile bridge, saw the remnants of the old railroad which was the only connection before the bridge was built. Went to see one of mother's aunts and all I can recall is that she had a hand-pump at her kitchen sink. They had no water plants - caught their rain water in cisterns which was piped into the houses. They had solar water (pipes on their roofs that heated water). Their main medicine was aloe plant and they used it for everything - made tea, pastes, plasters from it. When you get to St Pete, get an aloe plant - they are good for lots of things.

Bonnie, living in St Pete, she won't need any southern words - they are mostly yankees there - well, midwesterners, that is. Now when she goes a bit farther south to Arcadia for the rodeo, she will need to know how to say yeehaw - lots of cowboys, ranches, orange groves around there. Very few real southerners. South of Tampa and St Pete, Gisele, there is an outlet mall that you can't cover in a week.
Bonnie, I called my doctor which is long distance, to check out and make sure my appointment was at the date and time that I had set it up to be, and they had CANCELLED it without telling me why! This place is over an hour away. Good thing I was able to reschedule for the same day and time, eh? I swear, our doctors! Of course I really am NOT looking forward to this appointment, it's my yearly "feminine" appointment. Rather skip it, but don't dare. Well, I better get going. I have to go to bed, we have a scheduled power outage for 3AM-6AM and I want to be sleeping when it hits.


hi, I visited that absolutely beautiful area last for the first time last May and like I said, before then I never had any desire to go to Florida. Now the only desire I have is to go back. We (my sisters and I) were there for a softball tournament so I didn't have a whole lot of time to sight-see but we were able to go to Clearwater Beach for a couple of days. I have never in my life seen anything more beautiful (except the faces of my daughter and granddaughter) than the sunset down there. I was in awe. The first thing that came to mind was "how could someone look at this and not believe in God". My husband has always wanted to take me there and, like I said, I never wanted to go. When I got home he told me he knew I would be hooked. And I am. We are hoping in the very near future we will be able to spend a month or so each winter down there as he's a seasonal worker. He's also a fisherman so I guess when we do go I'll just have to lay on the beach all by myself:D I do beleive that's something I'll have to force myself to get use to. Peggy
The only thing I hate about St. Pete and Tampa Bay are-Don't go on the bridges during rush hours!!! I thought I'd never get off of the things. Outside of that, I adored the area. Tis a beautiful state, that's for sure. :)


I am a transplanted Georgian from across the border..Alabama Came to Georgia in 1960 to fly for Delta Airlines..when we had 30 Stewardesses and about 100 pilots. Crew scheduling was in an old army hut with broken glass in windows...Married a pilot and we have lived in the Northern part of Georgia for 37 years. Beautiful mountains. Anything below Atlanta is very hot...:D :D Bonnie
Talking about weather.... I'm still in Rhode Island at my parents home. Was to have left here on saturday night, for the night train to washington, then four hours later a train to north carolina. Well, they had a ice storm..... no electricity or phone for three days. No use in going back to that, so I stayed put. It will be good to go back to no snow. They have had two snow storms since I have been here. Both left four inches of snow. Bring back to warmth, I'm ready for it. martha
We're going below zero tonight, according to the weatherman. It's way too soon for this kind of stuff, even here.

What was that about global warming???

My wife and I flew to Miami, drove to a motel in florida city and then the next day headed to key west. It was a beautiful drive, one key after another. We stopped at a state park on the first key, real nice, would have, could have rented a sail boat, but unfortunately there were strong gusts that day.One thing that I was made aware of by that trip, was that we could watch the sunrise and the sunset.

nancy, forget global warming, where you are a few degrees warmer won't make much difference. whether its 5 below or 2 below its still damned cold. :)