Valve surgery over! 4th day after surgery

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Dec 20, 2010
New York, NY (Manhattan)
So my AVR surgery on the 6th went well and I'm being discharged from New York Presbyterian tomorrow! Can't say enough good things about Dr Girardi and his team, the nurses, and the facilities here.

I think the surgery was only about 4 hours with no problems. I was conscious and had the breathing tube out about 4 hours after surgery! I will say that the 24ish hours in ICU were pretty rough, and that the first day in a step down room wasnt great either, but now, 4 days after surgery, I'm feeling great and my strength is coming back quickly.

I can tell that it's going to be a long recovery in terms of healing the incision and recovering strength/conditioning, but my heart and new St Jude valve seem to be functioning well!

Resting heart rate is around 70bpm and my latest bp was 119/72. Dr Girardi said that my heart has already shrunk and that I'm right on schedule for recovery. I'm off IV meds and am taking percocet and atenolol orally now.

Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support!
Franklin, thanks for letting us know how you are doing. You are probably going to be surprised at how quickly you begin gaining strength but for the first three weeks or so after you go home, you are going to tire very easily. Just relax and roll with it. Walk when you can and rest when your body tells you it needs to sleep. By this time next month, people will be surprised to hear you just had heart surgery. Take care of yourself.

Hope you have a quick recovery with no bumps (I was not so lucky).If you are posting and saying you feel good after 4 days then you are on your way for sure.
Franklin, well done! I am constantly amazed at the short turn around time for uncomplicated AVR these days. My surgery 18 months ago was considered straightforward and routine by my surgeon and his team, but I still spent 5 days in ICU and a total of 8 days in hospital.

Your 4 hours surgery and 24 hours in ICU is wonderful and I wish you a steady recovery!
That's great that it went so well. You may be enthusiastic about how your recovery is going but go easy on yourself, I did fantastic in the hospital but that made me over do it a few times which I regret. So get lots of rest and don't try pushing yourself, other than breathing exercises and short walks. And since you are at this stage in particular you may want to take colase or if that doesn't work Miralax, that was my biggest hurdle in my first week home was getting regular again.
That's terrific news. Hope you continue to improve. Gives me great hope for my aortic valve replacement surgery. In exactly six weeks I'll be on the operating table (unless they've already finished and I'm out of it in ICU).
Good luck. (Can I ask how old you are? Always interested in ages and recoveries - I'm 42.)
Remember to Walk WAlk Walk and do your breathing exercise
Thanks, that's good advice. I think they overdid it it on the atenolol, and my heart rate dropped below 50bpm a couple times last night. They've switched me to lopressor and I'm doing fine now, back up to 65-70bpm... just going to continue to take it easy, walk the halls of the Helmsley tower where I'm staying for a few days, and watch the snowstorm!
Congratulations and best of luck for a continued good recovery. I must second your accolades for Dr. Girardi and staff, they really are great.

I LOVE to hear news like this. I hope my surgery goes just as well as yours seems to have! God willing and the creek don't rise it will! Good going, but I believe an earlier poster had a good point - don't overdo just cause you are feeling better than you expected. Take it easy for a while - and just follow dr.'s orders