Valve Replacement T-Shirts At Auction!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Posted on behalf on hensylee

At time of ordering tee shirts, I bought 3 extras and sent them to my son who is in e-commerce and he agreed to auction them on his ebay website. All proceeds go to ValveReplacement to help out with expenses for Hank. Even if nobody buys these shirts, think of the exposure VR will have for those seeking valve replacement help. Whether you need a shirt or not, go take a look at the Valve Replacement page which will be on for a limited time only.

Here's the link to the shirts. I have 2 of the XXL's and 1 of the XL's.
After this auction closes, I'll have another auction for the remaining XXL.

Spread the word.


This is great exposure! I proudly wear my sweatshirt on my cold morning runs. I did get a funny question once from someone who just looked at the logo and asked if it was an automotive site! That was hilarious...I hope the shirts sell high!
AVR '93 / '95
I wish the sweat shirts had all the logos like the T's did. My Doctor saw mine and it sparked an interest in his mind. I always sit in the coumadin clinic with maximum exposure for all to see. No ones asked, but I get a lot of looks. :D
Thank you, Ross, for putting this in for me. I just couldn't get it to work right.

My son, Chuck, has had the shirts since about May and we just managed to get together this past weekend when he came to visit me from Sarasota. He already had all the graphics done and we just had to put in finishing touches. It came out really good, didn't it. And I guess VR exposure will now be seen in all sorts of places - wherever his site goes. More heart buddies on the horizon looking for information ought to be coming along. Hensylee (Ann)
No logos on sweats because...

No logos on sweats because...


Logos on backs of the sweats were purposely left off because of objections to the implied "advertising" nature of this site's sponsors that offended some. Check out the old postings about that. Those who objected even got special order t-shirts without logos.

It didn't matter to me as everyone is entitled to their opinions.

You could always wear your t-shirt on top of your sweatshirt. Wouldn't that be a fashion statement?

I'm glad people are taking notice anyway.

How about moving into the real of head wear for the next fundraiser/ reunion.
Wouldn't we all look a fashion plate with our shirts on with baseball caps, too?

I wore my shirt to the cardiologist in August for my big post-op inspection and the staff, and my doc thought it was cool.
I got weird looks in the waiting room, but that's nothing new. All those old geezer CABG patients are always there talking about their low fat, low sodium diets, and they look at me like I have lobsters coming out my ears, at least now they know I have a legitimate reason for being there!
Viva the valvers!(and Ann, our favorite CABG Girl)
" got weird looks in the waiting room, but that's nothing new."

How true Mara. When I first started out at my cardiologist in Memphis....first few times they thought I was waiting for someone. :eek:

Same scenario in Chicago. The staff looked at me funny. Seemingly healthy looking young woman pops up to walk on to the back offices.

We are the minority it seems. Well, look on the bright about 20 years it will all even out;)
My husband wore his sweatshirt in a recent Golf Tournament that is given each year for the benefit of my hospital..(very costly day!) BUT...he got lots of questions from Doc's/hospital we advertised too! I also wore mine to the "Teddy Bear Clinic" that we do each year at my's kewl...all volunteers..spend the day suturing/xraying/ examining all the community childrens injured pets and dolls. The children get to realize 1st hand various procedures that go on in an ER...It helps to calm their 'natural fear' of hospitals. I was asked by the Doc's and nurses and other staff what my logo was about. Spreading the word in ways we can! All staff was impressed with my information about this site. I only wish they would jump in and join us. Oh well...ya never know...they may sometime.

Zipper *~*
Mara and Gina

Mara and Gina

I'm not as youg as you lovely's...butI also get 'looks' in my cardio and endo's office! So, I guess I'm not THAT old either! LOL!!!

Mara...I think the idea of hats is really a great one....Every family must have at least a few who wear them! My husband isn't recognized without Brother, friends all wear hats!!!!! GOOD idea !!!

Zipper *~*
O.K. Perry-Notice I'm electing you! :D

What we need is Jogging suits, Caps, Shoes, and any other article of external clothing representing You can do it.

Should I run and hide in my hole in the wall now or later? :D
I'll buy several caps

I'll buy several caps

for my good old Southern boys..Ever seen a southern boy without one on:D Hubby's collection runs from Georgia Tech to KGB Moscow:)confused: ) to Navy Seals.:D Bonnie
Hi All,

I know there are some extra shirts left and I was wondering if Perry had any small T-shirts left? I already have the sweatshirt and plan on advertising at my new cardio's appt. on Dec. 2nd. I would love a t-shirt but I know small is a size that was scarce. Anyone who has a small t-shirt let me know and I'll gladly take it off your hands when pay day comes around. Thanks everyone and take care!
Ross, I've retired from the fundraising business. Putting most efforts now into 2003 Chicago Reunion and I'm glad Gina is driving the bus on this one.

Nicole-everyone, I turned over all extra shirts to Hank. Don't recall if there were any smalls.

Any 4x tee shirts of sweat shirts left, with out the logo. Would love to have one. After the hollidays, when I recover my money... martha
Ross, I've retired from the fundraising business.
I know you are Perry. I had to have some fun with ya though.

Billy, if you pass through this thread, I mean no disrespect toward you. I hope you know that by now. ;)
Retired Perry

Retired Perry

I must interject that Perry is HONORABLY RETIRED from the fund raising position. He served his time gallantly and proudly and sucessfully.

Once again - Thank you Perry.

Ross - I think it's your turn :D
hi all!
i love that idea of baseball caps. great one!
any mediums left? i have a sweatshirt, but i could always use a tee shirt too.

oh, and by the way...
all you folks who get funny looks from others in the cardio's office... well, whenever i see a young person in that office who looks "healthy", i must_ now that you mention it_ be one of those folks who gives those looks. i always wonder what could be wrong with a young person like that. i'll have to be more aware next time. shame on me, i always see joey get those looks from all the older people in the waiting room, i should know better.
hope you're all well, sylvia
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Ross - I think it's your turn
Hank, why did I know you would come along and say that? :D
I have this problem raising funds. I know how to lose them, but not how to gain them. Profit and loss-Guess which one wins?
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Just checked the shirt site listed above and there have been more than 100 people who looked, maybe most of them us, but even if only a few are others, the word of VR moves along for others who might need to visit the site.

There's a bid on one of the shirts - probably LaCruiser!