Hi Joy
Hi Joy
I replied to your early post, but thought I'd address the pain issue, since someone mentioned it above.
I had my hysterectomy just a little over 4 mos. after my heart surgery. In comparison, the hyster was pretty much a non-event. I also had the LAVH, and endend up with a tiny incision inside my belly button, and 2 more teeny tiny holes just above my "hairline" as I said in my previous post.
The only pain I remember at all, was some gas type pain. But it was no worse than the pain I'd had every month before. They sent me home with some percoset, and I think I still have a half a bottle of it. In my opinion, the pain was MUCH worse with the open-heart surgery!
I kept my ovaries, so didn't have to worry about the hormone issue, and so far they seem to be working just fine, even though I'm almost 45. I've heard though, that sometimes, they will quit working anyway after a hysterectomy.
The one thing I didn't have to worry about was the Coumadin issue, mine was a MV repair, so I was only on it for 8 weeks, and by the time I had my other surgery, I'd been off of it for about that long.
Good luck Kiddo, and feel free to pm me if you have any questions. Or as I said before, if you want to go to a similar forum to this one, go to
www.hystersisters.com. There's a wonderful bunch of ladies over there, who will be able to answer all of your questions. In fact, they accused me of being a traitor when I started hanging out here after I found out I'd need the heart surgery first.