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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
I figured I would update you all on my doctor's appointment the other day. He says depending on what my Gyn says, I need to either have a hysterectomy, or an endimetrial ablation. My surgical consult is July 15 at 3 at the UWMC.
I'm sorry to hear that Joy, but then again, it is probably for the best at this point. I hate to see someone as young as yourself have to go through it. I have a couple of friends that have and they're happy with it now and certainly not having the troubles that they had before. Keep us updated.

Hi Joy-

My neighbor across the street who is probably just slightly older than you, just had that surgery. It's been a few weeks now, and she is doing well, and driving around, they were able to save her ovaries, so she isn't on hormones.

It's hard to face another surgery, but if it will help, then that's a good thing. I know you have been very uncomfortable for a while.

Best wishes.
Thanks for the update Joy. I'm sorry that you may need more surgery but at the same time it may uncomplicate your life too. If you need it you may as well have it and get it behind you and get back to feeling better again. Try not to be too discouraged OK?

Who will help you while you get back on your feet. You will have some of the same activity and lifting restrictions that you had with OH surgery so its best to be prepared. You too go on my prayer list---please take care......................Betty

I had a hyetersctomy at age 32. This was the best decision of my life. I had a lot of problems before my hysterectomy. I had a nasty little problem called polycystic ovaries. Don't just dismiss the thought of this surgery. We did not know about my heart problems at this time. Now I know it was the best decision I could have made.

Hey guys, I am not discouraged about the upcoming surgery, I just have to go through all the loops to get to go to the UW. They are trying to stick me at NHB, and they don't know my entire history. I also don't feel comfortable with them putting the swan in. They have a lot of trouble with IV's, so I can imagine how they would be putting it into a main artery! They also have problems with the arterial lines too. I have all the confidence in the world in Dr. Echenbach, I hear he is a great gyn surgeon. I don't think it will take much to convince the doc at NHB to send me there, either, I was just hoping I wouldn't have to go through all that. They are going to try to save my ovaries, but otherwise, I had a tubal, and I have had two kids, so I have no problem getting my equipment taken out. I was just wondering how they do it? I have had 2 c-sections and am looking forward to never menstruating again:p

The actual procedure for a hysterectomy is not bad at all. They now do a procedure called a laproscope assisted vaginal hysterectomy. They use a scope aand make a small incision just above your pubic bone about where you c-section scar should be. This is where they go in to cut the ligaments that hold the uterus, they then tie them off and remove it through the vagina. You can usually go home the next day. My best friend had ths done last year. The main draw back is that a hysterectomy is very painful. I had almost no pain after my heart surgery compared to my hysterectomy. Also, the laproscope that they use for this procedure requires gas to be used to inflate the abdomen for the surgery. This gas gets trapped under the diaphram and is very painful, but the more you move around they quicker you get rid of that and the sooner you feel better.

I'm sorry guys if this is a little graffic for you. I hope this helps Joy.


I had one about 17 years ago, and although it was a little painful, it wasn't horrific. 5 days after I got home, I sat for a professional exam which was a 2 day deal, I didn't want to lose my exam fee. I even passed. I did wear a very tight support garment to help keep my stomach together and help with the incision which was across my stomach muscles.

I'm sure things have improved dramatically since then.
Hi Joy,

My thoughts are with you. I have been in the same as yourself for the past few years. Both options were offered. I am not ready to jump into another surgery. The Coumadin and the extended hospital stay is keeping it on the back burner for now. Mabye in the fall when school is back in.

Wishing you the best. Keep us posted.
Hi Joy

Hi Joy

I replied to your early post, but thought I'd address the pain issue, since someone mentioned it above.

I had my hysterectomy just a little over 4 mos. after my heart surgery. In comparison, the hyster was pretty much a non-event. I also had the LAVH, and endend up with a tiny incision inside my belly button, and 2 more teeny tiny holes just above my "hairline" as I said in my previous post.

The only pain I remember at all, was some gas type pain. But it was no worse than the pain I'd had every month before. They sent me home with some percoset, and I think I still have a half a bottle of it. In my opinion, the pain was MUCH worse with the open-heart surgery!

I kept my ovaries, so didn't have to worry about the hormone issue, and so far they seem to be working just fine, even though I'm almost 45. I've heard though, that sometimes, they will quit working anyway after a hysterectomy.

The one thing I didn't have to worry about was the Coumadin issue, mine was a MV repair, so I was only on it for 8 weeks, and by the time I had my other surgery, I'd been off of it for about that long.

Good luck Kiddo, and feel free to pm me if you have any questions. Or as I said before, if you want to go to a similar forum to this one, go to www.hystersisters.com. There's a wonderful bunch of ladies over there, who will be able to answer all of your questions. In fact, they accused me of being a traitor when I started hanging out here after I found out I'd need the heart surgery first.
In fact, they accused me of being a traitor when I started hanging out here after I found out I'd need the heart surgery first.
Well Traitor, we are very happy to have you here. Please stay and be our friend. :D
Thanks Ross!

Thanks Ross!

Yes, I'm here to stay. I did find the hystersisters site first, and it helped me so much, that I looked for a similar one having to do with heart surgery-and I found you guys! In fact, you were the first to reply to my very first post, Ross, and I'll never forget you for it.

I don't find much need to go to hystersisters anymore, and I kinda like the smaller family here. I've gotten to know a lot of you guys pretty well, and actually met a few in person. I know we're growing in number here too, but since hysterectomy is a much more common surgery, there are bound to be many more people there, they just all happen to be women, other than a few dh's, (darling husbands), or so's, (significant others) as they call them there.

I've also found another site that I'm going to show to my sister, that's along the same lines, it's Downsyn.com, and I hope it helps her as much as this one has me.
hi joy!
i am sorry you have to go through another surgery, but i agree, you will feel so much better after this.
i, too, have a friend who had a hysterectomy about two months ago and is doing so well. she is really happy and feeling so much stronger and more comfortable than she did before.
i hope you can work it out to have the surgery where you want to go. please let us know how it all turns out... where, when, etc.
wishing you all the best, sylvia
I hope everything goes well with your surgery. I'm sure you'll get through it with no problems. I had my hysterectomy when I was 25 years old. I had no other problems until last year when I turned 34 I had to have a cyst removed from around my overies. That was when I went into CHF and found out that there was a problem with my heart. Then this year was the open heart surgery and the double bypass. I will be praying for you. Take care and God Bless.
F Carter