Update on Niki (gnusgal)

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Thanks for sharing that with us.

And, I LOVE that last line in Nathan's post ... about Niki not going "Bob Dole" with the 3rd person ;). he he

Niki ... thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...MidW Blast = 01/17/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"When you kiss your little baby, you've kissed the face of God" ... Kenny Rogers/Wynonna ... 'Mary, Did You Know?'
The news continues to be fabulous!

The news continues to be fabulous!

Here's the latest from Niki herself:

Whew! Recovery is HARD. I'm in mucho pain, but it is getting better. The chest tube and several other wires and tubes have been removed, so at least it's a little easier to get around. I did end up in ICU, but only because they had no available beds on the regular cardiac floor. However, I've just been moved to a regular room. This one is MUCh more spacious, which is a good thing for Nathan and Mom (we were pretty cramped in that ICU room today). There's even a mini fridge in here!

I expect I'll be getting out tomorrow. The only thing that might prevent that would be if I get a fever or don't work on my breathing. Believe me, I'll be working on my breathing!
Thanks, Janet and we hope to hear from her reporting from home soon!
Hey, gang! Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers. I'm not home just yet, but will be by the end of the day. We're waiting for my PT/INR to come back. As long as it isn't ridiculously high (shouldn't be) I'll be out of here. Nathan is on his way here as I type. I'm still very sore, but I figure I can feel sore at home just as easily as I can feel that way here. I know the routine pretty well. I'm working the spirometer and getting to 1250 pretty consistently (trying to make it to 1500, but still can't quite do it). It's strange being sore on just the one side vs all over with OHS. I have three incisions, two of which are on top of old ones, but one will leave a brand new scar. I seriously look like I've been fighting tigers! And I realize this may be TMI, but my right breast is completely numb! THAT is a strange feeling!

Again, thanks for the thoughts and prayers. It's always very encouraging knowing so many people are on your side!

If you can add LaDonna (our surrogate) to your prayers, I know she'd appreciate it. She's more sick with this pregnancy than she ever was with any of her others. I feel so awful for her! The babies are still growing, so that's good, but she is loosing weight! :eek: So far nothing is working to keep the nausea at bay. :(
Prayers and Hugs are coming your and LaDonna's way. Glad you will be home soon. Just take Jesus' hand and ask him to walk with you and LaDonna while you are both on this very bumpy road...God Bless Both Your Families
Niki, how nice your chauffeur is on the way! :)
After my OHS there was alot of numbness on my chest area too, the doc said the nerves need to repair themselves and it takes a while. Nonetheless, it was a very strange sensation.

During my pregnancy, I was also severely nauseated and losing weight.....the doc threatened that he would hospitalize me. My ex-MIL took charge of the situation and made me some batches of broth. The first batch was from boiled chicken, cleared of fat, and I was to take only a few spoonfuls every hour. The next day, she came back again with another batch that had a few boiled and pureed vegetables mixed into it. This was so much better than trying to keep down useless crap like crackers and cereals. My energy got better with the nutrition, and my pregnancy continued very well as long as I stayed on a really healthy meal and snack routine.
Best wishes to LD.
Glad you will make it home for Christmas, Niki. Prayers continue for all of you.

I was so glad to see that everything is over with and that you are close to being home. Just in time for Christmas. How nice!