Sorry I didn't get back for a couple of days. I was hearing information second hand and I couldn't get a hold of my sisters son or duaghters to get the information first hand.
I talked to my niece Pam late last night. They decided to operate on my sister Florence's other Carotid Artery yesterday. They finished the operation and put her in recovery and she started oozing blood. They said a clamp came loose,so they went back in and secured it. They put her in CICU overnight and gave her blood. My niece Pam says she does have an Aneurysm but it is small so the doctors want to just keep a watch on it. Florence also has small blood clots leading to the main Aorta to the heart. She did not mention if anything was being done for that. When she went in Sunday, she couldn't breath and she had fluid around the lungs again. Pam said they gave her some pills? to dissolve the fluid. Not sure I understood that right. She did not mention anything about a partially closed valve like I heard on Sunday. Then both of our cell phones went dead and I have not been able to talk to her today.
I called the hospital today and talked to my sister Florence and she sounded better. She said she was cold! I didn't ask her too much because I did not know how much my nieces and nephew have told her. So I don't know if she knows about the aneurysm. She was in good spirits though.
Mary: Thanks for the information about Birmingham. My sister children would not be able to take her down there. They live all over the country with the closest one living in Tenn.
Al: The name of the vasecular surgeon she had was Dr. Ciopei (my niece said it sounds more like Chopy). She said he was very good. Who ever did the second Carotid Artery yesterday did a better job than the first one that was done, according to whoever talked to my niece Pam. When I talk to Pam again (hopfully tomorrow) I will let her know what you said about the surgeons there. I hope that gives them some piece of mind. I thank you for your information.
Norma, Cort: Thank you for the prayers. I'm hoping she will start doing better now. They will watch that aneurysm. Three of her daughters want her to move back to the Chicago area so they can take care of her. Two of them live in the city and another one plans to move back her from Colorado to help take care of her.
Again I thank everyone for your continued prayers. As I find out more from my nieces I will keep you informed. For now I know Florence is stable and as she told me on the phone, Hungry!