Update on my Dad

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good morning, dad is feeling ok. He does have a pain in his right knee. I am so worried, the pain started yesterday morning, he cant even put his weight on it. Could this be a clot? He has been on Lovenox and Coumidin since yeserday morning...I know the Coumidin takes time to kick in. My mom and I are real scared, someone tell me soemthing good please. The nurse put a call into the doctor so they can check him out, I wish they would do an ultra sound. I am 30 minutes away from them, I bought a house and sometimes wish I didnt. Having issues with my husband too because I am so involved with my parents lives especially during health times. I feel like I am losing it guys. Help me please!
You feel like your losing it? You are losing it!

I doubt highly that it's a clot especially if he's on Lovenox. More probably to be gout or arthritis or some type of joint disorder. Is it swollen, nasty red, untouchable?
Yes Ross, its swollen, Not sure if its red or not. He cant walk on it right now. Maybe from NOT moving it arthritis kicked in...we are getting snow too...I pray NO CLOT.

I doubt very highly that the problem with you dad is a blood clot. The Lovenox would have prevented it. Your dad's heart valve will not cause a clot in the knee area. Clots form there on their own and then travel upwards. You're seeing connections between stopping the coumadin and this very small possibility of a clot, and there is none.

You really need to try to get a hold of yourself, you're not doing anyone any good by panicking. I recently was in the hospital for a surgical procedure, and my mom was quite worried during my hospital stay. I can tell you from the patient's point of view that I spent so much energy trying to reassure her, that it slowed down my own recovery.

I'm not trying to preach. I know that you love and care for your dad, but worrying doesn't solve anything. Be positive.
Thanks i am the biggest worry wart in the world. I am here Arther hospital now. They did an xray already. So we are waiting for results. He is kind getting depressed. He wants to walk and he can't. His
leg is swollen. And it's hurts. It doesn't seem hot to touch but it does hurt when you touch it. Well. Say is IS a clot. They can do something.
Update. Got xray results back. They seem some artritis and soto gout in the right knew that is hurting. No mention of clots. Would a ot show up in an xray anyway? I am waiting for his inr results from this morning. Ross hope your online my buddy.
Update. Got xray results back. They seem some arthritis and some gout in the right knee that is hurting. No mention of clots. Would a clot show up in an xray anyway? I am waiting for his inr results from this morning.


A clot may or may not show up on an x-ray. X-rays show hard tissue mostly, like bones. Although a chest x-ray shows fluid in the lungs...so who knows?

Don't worry if his INR is still low. He is protected as long as they're giving him the Lovenox and/or heparin. Remember, Lovenox/heparin doesn't show up in the INR. It takes longer for the INR to go up than it does for it to drop. Be patient, be positive.
Me again. His nurse put ice on his knee. The surgeon will be in to see him tommorow morning. So my dad will have pain all night. Sucks! If I knew for sure it was not a clot I would feel so much better. The doc that looked at the exray sees psuesdo gout and some arthritis. I don't know. I worry because my dad has a history of clots from 1996. His INR is now 1.1. It was 1.04 yesterday. We don't know if they are letting him got to rehab tommorrow or what.
Hmmmm. So he still could have a clot ?

It's possible, but not probable. Jojo...he's in the best place he can be.

Don't they have him on painkillers? If not, you should holler about it. Pain slows recovery greatly. He should be getting pain relief from his shoulder surgery, and that should help with the pain in the knee.

Stay positive.
Yes he is on pain killers. The ice is helping the knee right now. But he admitted he is depressed. To see my dad like this is killing me. I am leaving the hospital I'm less than an hour because my husband wants to leave. Not sure if my mom is staying or leaving. I hope she stays. I hate to see him alone. It bothers me so much. I hate leaving. I am 30 minutes away. I get scared I will get a call that something is wrong. I hate
myself. I can be positive but I have had
many tragedies in my life. Just recently my uncle was killed. Just a lot on my mind. Please pray for my dad. I have to go back to work while my dad is in hospital and rehabs and probably won't see my dad till next Saturday. Ugh!!! Sorry for complaining so much. Just worried about my dad. Last year he did excellent with his valve replacment. But his shoulder surgery is something else.
Home now, DONT want to here but I kinda have too...I cleaned both toliets, did dishes, vaccummed, trying to keep busy. If it was up to me I would be at the hospital with my dad. I am depressed, I am sorry I bother this board. BUT most of you regulars know me...so...Also My dad has a temp of 99.8 - they say thats normal after surgery at times...I am waiting to hear from my mom because my dad was goign to sit up for dinner, I want to know how his knee is.
What to do with you. I'll have to think that over pretty hard. Hmm.......lets see.......Still don't know.

You can't worry about every thing that comes down the pike or your in for a world of hurt. Settle thee down and things will work out. Stressing it sure isn't helping any is it?
I know Ross, I know...Well a little while ago I was looking at my old posts from my dads OHS and I saw that his INR was 1.1 also 3 days after surgery - same process...I just said good night to him and the ice has helped the knee a little. The only thing is he needed a cane to get to the bathroom and two assistants helping him...thats fine, once that knee is better he will be able to walk around...I hope and PRAY tomorrow the knee is better! The nurse told my mom it was not the first time she has seen a patient have a swollen knee after a total shoulder replacement...STRANGE! They also didnt do an ultra sound on the knee for clots because the swollen part is on top of the knee and not on the back or below or above...they do not feel clots are a factor with the way his knee his. I will update more tomorrow. Night all...JoJo
Nope, sounds like a fluid inflamation to me, but your body can do some weird things after surgeries.
Well my dad is not going to rehab yet. His INR is still 1.1 and his knee his swollen and the surgeon will be looking at it today. They might drain it. I took tommorrow off from work. When should I go back to work??? My mom has my dad but should I still help? I told my boss I needed tommorow off. Ugh. I think his inr will be up more tommorrow.
Well, I don't know much, but I know your father is very lucky to have a daughter who loves him as much as you do! I do think some of the things you are worrying about, like a 99.8 temp, are pretty much par for the course after a surgery. Sending best thoughts, wishes, and prayers.
Well my dad is not going to rehab yet. His INR is still 1.1 and his knee his swollen and the surgeon will be looking at it today. They might drain it. I took tommorrow off from work. When should I go back to work??? My mom has my dad but should I still help? I told my boss I needed tommorow off. Ugh. I think his inr will be up more tommorrow.

when to go to work is a hard question. since it depends on a couple things, how much time do you have ect. When My Mom had surgery (she lived 4 hours away) I waited until she was going home to take time off. As much as I wanted to be with her in the hospital, I knew I wasn't "needed" but could be a big help to both her and my dad if I took a week or 2 off work when she got home. IF I lived closer I probably would have kept working (except for the day of surgery) while she was in the hospital and went before or after work to visit and saved my time off when she was home.
Just from my experience with Justin especially as he got older/bigger, I stay at the hospital 24/7. My husband sleeps at home but otherwise is at the hospital as much as possible the day of surgery and as long as Justin is in CICU (or doing well) then he goes back to work and takes a week off when Justin is home, because while we are at the hospital all the care taking is not on me, the nurses take care of him, the cafeteria cooks his food ect, I am NOT complaining and don't mind it at all, but when we are home the first couple days are alot of hard work, day AND night, so that is when I really am thankful that Don is off work or anyone else that stops by with food, walk with him even hang out with him while i take a good nap, not a light sleep incase Justin needs something.

I can't offer any advice about tellling you how not to stress and worry so much,or that it does not help anything and takes a toll on you. I hope you don't let your Dad know how worried you or your Mom are, since that would just make him worry and feel more depressed, think things are worse ect. if you have to fake it around him, please do and I know that can he tough to do. I'm sorry this is causing you issue with your husband, I don't know what could help that, do you ask him to go with you?
Lyn, everyone knows I am a worry wart and yes even my dad but I do try and make him laugh and not get so worried when I am around, I am a great actress, AKA BETTE DAVIS.

***Update*** My dad had this knee drained and also a Cortizione shot, it helped BIG TIME. His shoulder surgery site looks good per the surgeons visit today. His INR on the other hand, BLEH! Still 1.1 - My mom and me and my hubby left him at 4pm today, the earliest EVER. I feel bad but he is feeling good! He need to poop though, its been 5 days tomorrow but we all know how that goes in the hospital and he will have to go before they release him. So, I am thinking he will be home Tuesday, depending on the INR. Tonight is day 4 on Coumdin and I believe the surgeon raised it to 10 ! AND he is getting 75 Lovenox tonight, not 50. Its a slow process man...All I do is PRAY NO CLOTS!
Thanks all for listening to me...JoJo - I took tomorrow off, I have some vacation time left, only a day or two...its fine though, its worth it so I can be with my mom and dad. My mom lost her brother a month ago so she is real nervous with my dad in the hospital. My uncle was killed on 10/24. So she needs me! I will update more tomorrow!!!