Update on me and surgery I had on Friday 5/21

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
Libertyville Illinois
thanks again everyone for all of your support. so the night i posted i ended up throwing up 4 times but they said it was probably because all of the meds in me. the worst day so far has been yesterday, (the next day after surgery) but now i found my comfortable dose of pain meds. 1 motrin and 1 norco every 4 hours. this keeps me from feeling drugged up, dizzy and nauseous and tired. the med that worked the best for me was toradol but it made me feel really crappy. i have a little blood sugar problem though i am not a diabetic so i receive insulin every once in awhile. my blood pressure has been low. i have done 3 two lappers around the wing today. sitting in the chair a lot. i didnt think it could be true but i feel better since i have been up and walking! had a slight fever yesterday but was fixed with a tylenol.

hardest thing: feeling dizzy and nauseous at times and the pain yesterday
easiest thing: i dont have the depression of missing my kids like i thought i would, maybe its the meds
annoying thing: having all of these wired attachments "pulling" on me.

also i just wanted to say: originally they said my aneurysm was 4.7/4.8 depending on the echo-cardiogram or ct scan. when they did surgery they discovered it was only 4.2 i guess i shouldnt say only but i consider that a lot smaller. it upset me. but then i found out my valve was worse then they thought.(moderate to severe) so i got a 23mm valve and the doctor said at that size if the fda ever approves the trans catheter replacement procedure i could be a candidate for that in the future. so at first i was discouraged but now i am happy it was still a necessary surgery and i'm all fixed up for awhile now :)
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I had something kinda similar happen - when they got in there, they found out my valve was more calcified than what they originally thought. Made me feel more confident that the surgery really was needed when I heard that. So think I know what ya mean. Glad you're at peace with not being able to pick up your kids for a little while. It'll go fast and like others have said, you'll be able to snuggle with them really soon, just not pick them up all by yourself for a while. Sorry about your upset tummy - but sounds like your past that roadbump now! Way to go brave girl - sounds like you're past the worst part!
Jackie, slow and easy right now. Sorry about the barfing and wires tugging on you right now. Sounds like your Doctors have a good handle on things so just give it some time. Try to just kick back and relax, OK I know thats impossible after what you just went through but thats what they told me when I was there. It will get better for you with time. Take care... Daren
i just wanted to say: originally they said my aneurysm was 4.7/4.8 depending on the echo-cardiogram or ct scan. when they did surgery they discovered it was only 4.2 i guess i shouldnt say only but i consider that a lot smaller. it upset me. but then i found out my valve was worse then they thought.(moderate to severe) so i got a 23mm valve and the doctor said at that size if the fda ever approves the trans catheter replacement procedure i could be a candidate for that in the future. so at first i was discouraged but now i am happy it was still a necessary surgery and i'm all fixed up for awhile now :)

Do not be upset about that! It's far better that they took care of it, then leaving you wait. Mine ruptured at around 4.7 while waiting for the magic 5.0 to do surgery. You certainly wouldn't wna that to have happened.
Congratulations and welcome to the club!! I'd been reading some of your pre-surgery posts but somehow always got interrupted or timed-out while responding to them but want you to know that I actually did have you in my best thoughts on Friday. Sounds like you swam through things beautifully! There is no time for "buyer's remorse" after the surgery so I'm very glad that you see the timing of your surgery as plausible.... and really very necessary!

Recovery can be a bumpy road. Some days are awful, the next so easy, then you can fall apart a little again when you least expect it. In a way, it can sometimes be like months of PMS!! So don't put high expectations on yourself and learn to listen to your body. It is a very good time to get in tune with this wonderful functioning body that we have. Learn to respect when you start to feel tired and just stop. Don't push too hard -- you won't have any reserve strength to call on for awhile. But you do get stronger and stronger as the weeks go by.

People will want to help. LET THEM!! They've been worried sick about you and it helps them to just DO something! It's a great time to accept any and all (mostly food preparation for me -- loved it) ways that people want to express their help and gratitude that you've come through things so well. Let anyone else do the laundry -- not your job for several weeks!!

So find a way to enjoy this recuperative time. Get lots of squishy pillows to prop yourself up with. Let someone dry your hair. Rent a ton of old movies you never got to see. Let your little ones climb up on the bed and read to YOU!! (even if they can't read, they can turn the pages and make up stories for the pictures -- great learning for them!) All these things will keep you from feeling frustrated since things can feel like they are building up and not getting done just right.

And keep up the good work!!!! You sound great! Go with the flow and you'll be better than your old self in no time.

Best wishes! And GOOD JOB!!


Thanks for the update and it looks like you are doing very well for day3. My experience was that 3 days in, it gets tremendously better, once all tubes are out.

So welcome to the other side and happy to be seeing you suuccessfully working through the secondary issues.

Hang in there

thanks everyone for your words of wisdom and support!
Martguerite you had some great ideas to do with the babies :)

i got home earlier today around 2 pm. (may 25) i think i over did it. i forgot to rest. now i am in pain and have a fever again. the stafff said to just take my motrin and call the doctor in the morning!
Welcome home. Wow. Surgery on May 21 and home on May 25. Pretty impressive. Take it easy. Enjoy being home. The first thing I'd want is a good cup of tea. (Or a good glass of wine - but it'd probably make me throw up.) How's your scar feeling? Can you actually see it yet or is it all bandaged up?
Watch all the Sex and the City series if you're into it, in preparation for the sequel (it's not released in Australia 'til next week). Enjoy having people do stuff for you. Before too long, you'll be back doing everything for everybody else!
Cheers, Alli
Don't do like I did - my hubby and I watched several seasons of 24. Not a smart thing to do while recovering from heart surgery! Happy to hear you're up & around... sorry about the barfing... I went through that too - not fun. As bad as sneezing, or worse. Make sure you do your breathing exercises - it's really important. Breathe, eat, walk, sleep. Repeat over and over.
thanks again everyone for your responses :)

alli, scar feels tight i guess. more painful at night. they undressed it on the 23rd when i was still in the hospital. i was shocked. to me, its sick. to everyone in the profession, it looks great!

cris, that is funny. my husband is currently leaving me no choice but to watch "prison break" seasons with him. he discovered the tv show the day before my surgery so had downloaded all of the seasons off of netflix and we literally watch them one after another, all day longgggggggggggggggg. thanks for the advice!
Yeah, we did the TV PVR thing for about 4 hours on 1st 2 nights and got caught up most all the of the NCIS/CSI backlog of recorded TV, as well as my favorite channels of history and discovery. (not much tension in either)

Stayed away from NHL games and action movies, no need to push up heartrate at this time, but damm, missed the Canadiens their run against the Caps and Penguins, totally unexpected and although I did not need the excitement/tension of the game, it was nice to get the scores, until finally demise by Flyers

Malibu82, sounds like you are on track for speedy recovery, attagirl

Wow, did you get home fast! I needed all 7 days in the hospital. Congrats on getting through the rough part so well over all. Rest, get good sleep (that took me a while), expect some ups and downs but general improvement over time.
4 days eh? Sounds like me, good for you, it is nice to be home which also can be very exhausting so be careful.

Now, getting 5 to 6 hours of sleep now is fantastic, I was lucky to get 4 hours in for the first week I was home, so your doing really, really well. Therefore it will only get better with time.

Be good to yourself and take care,