Great news! Kelly had his surgery this morning. They started around 8:15 and finished at about 12:30. Doctor replaced pulmonary valve with tissue valve and repaired tricuspid valve. Doctor also performed procedure called MAZE (ablation) to try to prevent any further ventricular tach. Kelly came through the surgery just fine and when I left the hospital at 7:00 this evening he had his breathing tube removed and was able to talk. He was sick to his stomach, but that is to be expected. He is receiving medication for that. He looks good considering all that he has been through. They think he will be in his own room tomorrow provided things continue as they have been. Also, he had very low platelet count, Dr. was concerned about bleeding, but said that Kelly didn't bleed much at all. They gave him a platelet transfusion to be safe, but he did just fine.
Thanks to all for your prayers and good wishes. What a relief to have this part behind us. I will try to post again tomorrow evening and let you know what tomorrow brings.
Thanks again,
Thanks to all for your prayers and good wishes. What a relief to have this part behind us. I will try to post again tomorrow evening and let you know what tomorrow brings.
Thanks again,