Update on Chevyman (Kelly)

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Great news! Kelly had his surgery this morning. They started around 8:15 and finished at about 12:30. Doctor replaced pulmonary valve with tissue valve and repaired tricuspid valve. Doctor also performed procedure called MAZE (ablation) to try to prevent any further ventricular tach. Kelly came through the surgery just fine and when I left the hospital at 7:00 this evening he had his breathing tube removed and was able to talk. He was sick to his stomach, but that is to be expected. He is receiving medication for that. He looks good considering all that he has been through. They think he will be in his own room tomorrow provided things continue as they have been. Also, he had very low platelet count, Dr. was concerned about bleeding, but said that Kelly didn't bleed much at all. They gave him a platelet transfusion to be safe, but he did just fine.

Thanks to all for your prayers and good wishes. What a relief to have this part behind us. I will try to post again tomorrow evening and let you know what tomorrow brings.

Thanks again,

hi lisa!
thanks for letting us know that the surgery went well and that kelly is on his way to recovery.
please wish him a smooth and easy recovery for us and tell him that we are glad the worst is behind him.
wishing you all the best, sylvia
Thanks for letting us know so quickly. Kelly has been in my thoughts a lot today. I'm glad things went well. How are you feeling? Take care of yourself too! I know it has to have been physically and emotionally exhausting for you as well.

Please give Kelly our good wishes.

Thanks for letting us know how the surgery went. So glad that everything went well.:)
Hey Lisa,
Glad to hear how well Kelly is doing! Sounds like you are doing OK also. Thanks for the update.
Tell Kelly you guys are still in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Hi Lisa,
Great news. Please tell Kelly I made it a point to check on him this morning on my way to rhe hospital to have my surgery. I am pleased for both of you so now take it easy and you especially take care as you care for Kelly.
Thanks, Lisa for telling us. We always need to know that our loved one is over the top and on the downslide.........Wish him well and tell him he's still got prayers goin.
Hooray for Kelly

Hooray for Kelly

Congrats to Kelly, sounds like he's doing wonderfully.

You take it easy; you'll need your strength and energy when he gets home from the hospital.

This is great news; thanks for letting us know, Lisa.
Wonderful news! Now the healing begins! Be patient, it takes time. You get some well deserved rest and tell Kelly how pleased we are that his surgery went well.
Hi Lisa

Thanks so much for posting about Kelly...Please tell him
MAJOR CONGRATULATIONS....he made it over the mountain and now he's in the healing mode. Did he get the license plate of that Mack???
Seriously, though, remember the motto....walk, walk, walk, breathe, breathe, breathe, nap, nap, nap. The more he uses that spirometer, the better it will be for him.
Please tell him we're thinking of him and he's in our prayers.


PS....YOU take good care of yourself, too!!!
So glad to hear the great news about Kelly. Hope he is still doing well! Now it will take time for the rest of it but he's over the worst now, Nowhere to go but up!!! Best wishes....

Very good news, hope all continues to go well,
All the best,

I was so glad so see your post! I have been away fron my PC for a couple of days and have been worried about ya'll. I was so excited to see that Kelly and Steve both did so well during their procedures. Tell Kelly that we are continueing to pray for him and hope his recovery is a walk in the park! You take care of yourself. Remember, this will be hard on you too. Make sure you are getting as much sleep as you can. once again, Congrats on a sucessful procedure!


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