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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
Well I finally am going to bite the bullet as they say and have my knee surgery on my left knee on November 6th. I have been in so much pain and have been having to walk with a brace and a cane. I'm way to young to be doing this all the time. LOL The orthopedic doctor told me that I would have to be on Comadin prior to surgery. I guess I'll have to stop my Gleevec that I take for leukemia because the two won't mix well. I've got all the okay's from all my doctor's to have the surgery so now the waiting begins. I really dread having another surgery but I can't continue to put up with this pain any more. I've had to quit volunteering, which I love, and doing a lot of the things that I need to do around the home. I couldn't even brush hog the fields this year because it hurt my knee so bad to push down the clutch. My husband had to take time out of his busy schedule to do it. Next year I'm going to buy a brand new John Deer big tractor with power steering and all the works. The right knee is bad too but the doctor seems to think it might straighten up when I start walking correctly with the left knee, if not then I will have the right knee done next. I always have the big Smith family "Thanksgiving" dinner (about 60 people) well guess what someone else will have to have it this year. I think the family thinks I did this on purpose. Right! ! :( :(
So sorry you have to have another operation, Glenda, but I know you will be like a new person when it is all over. My sister had it two years ago and my brother-in-law this year and it has made a world of difference for them. Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.

Wishing you all the best with the knee surgery. A friend of the family had her knee done and she did very well with it. God Bless.
My brother in law just had his done. It's painful, that's a given, but recovery is short and you should be walking normally within 6 weeks. Just the initial hump is the bad part. Prayers go with you my dear.
Sorry to hear you're going in for surgery, but I have to admit it tickles me some that you're so game. You are the pluckiest gal I think I've ever run into.

You know you're in my thoughts, Glenda.

Very best wishes,
Sorry about the need for the surgery, Glenda, but I think I would make the same choice. You'll be in my prayers for a speedy recovery. I can't remember if you were on coumadin following your valve surgery or not. If you were then at least you might have an idea at what dosage works for you. Life does get interesting!
I hope you will soon be pain free Glenda...

I hope you will soon be pain free Glenda...

I know what it's like to be in constant pain, and I know it's miserable, so I am just gonna have to send you a ton of (((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))) and say a ton of Prayers and wish for nothing but the best of care for you before, during and after (and always, of course) your surgery. Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
Glenda, my cousin had this done in Feb this year. she is just fine now, but it was hard for her and she fussed quite a bit but we are happy for her. Another friend had it done 2 - 3 yrs ago and he, too, is fine. He used a cane for awhile, but he now walks like he has for all the many years I have known him.
Glenda. I'll be sure to send good thoughts your way on the 6th. I hope it will bring you the relief you need to get back to doing the things you love.

Take care!!

:) Marguerite
Hey Glenda,
I hope this surgery takes care of things for you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi Glenda !

Hi Glenda !

We will be thinking of you with your surgery on the 6th and wishing you a speedy recovery
All the very very best
Ernie & Wendy :) :) :)
Hi Birthday, Twin

Hi Birthday, Twin

Like some the others, we have a male neighbor who had this done a few months ago. See him walking up the hill in front of my house, now, everyday.:) Take care..Bonnie
I can't wait until your knee is healed and you can get back outside and bush hog! You are my kind of woman . . . I love doing stuff like that!
You know you have a reserved spot in my nightly prayers, but I will double up on November 6.
Thanks everyone for the good wishes. It's just another fork in the road of life. I think the waiting is the hardest. I wish I could have had it done last week! ! But I hope to be up and around in time to decorate for Christmas.
Glenda, I don't know if I will get in trouble with Ross for this, but I just placed your knee replacement surgery on our calendar. It's not heart surgery but you are in all our hearts and I want to make sure we all remember the date! Best Wishes,
Glenda - you always amaze me! I'm glad you are getting your knee fixed and I will be praying for the best surgery and most pain free recovery!
Glenda - As a nurse, I have taken care of patients which have had this surgery and it is just amazing how they are up the next day. I took care of a lady that had both knees done at the same time, amazing. You are in my payers and I wish you the best of luck. You are too active a lady to not be able to get around well.


Good luck on your upcoming surgery. It will make your life a little more pain free.:rolleyes:

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