Unisurable after OHS??????

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We will make one last attempt with another attorney. Maybe we can aleast get a threatening letter and go for some back wages or settle for something. :confused: Maybe a Militia isn't too far out!!!! But I think that a second opinion is all we can do for now.You know you can only bang your head against the wall so many times before it starts to hurt! Thanks all of you it helps more than you know to have your input!
(And again PamO,) Condolences and thanks for the advice you are a very kind person!
This seems so wrong to lay someone off after OHS. I am self employed and I have an individual policy thru United Health Care. I used it this year for a valve repair and it covered just about everything, after the high deductable. However, I thought (wrongly) that I would be uninsurable after the operation

Maybe if I get a real job I could get group coverage. If I ever do look for a new job I would never mention my surgery as I am sure that would make them think twice about a new hire with prior medical needs.

The USA needs to figure something out with the insurence progarms. I don't know the answers but there should be a way to cover it's citizens without everyone going broke. The problem is no one looks into it! It is a non issue with congress right now. An overhaul is needed. Rant over.
*raises eyebrow*

jrocco, did you know about your condition before you went on the individual policy for your self employment? Just curious....
PamO said:
Okay, I've been out of the loop for a while because my father passed away, but here goes...

I still don't agree with Bald's attorney's assessment. I would strongly urge you to get a second opinion from an employment law attorney. The discrimination factor in "at will" employment includes discrimination on disability. Wasn't disability (STD) taken during the surgery? If you were fired the day you returned, that means that they had made that decision while you were ON disability and that may make a case for at least back wages.

Sorry to hear you've lost your dad.
I agree with you on getting a 2nd opinion.
I attended a benefits meeting yesterday at work since this is our benefits renewal time. Told the HR director about baldstewart's situation and my HR director was truly surprised and shocked that a company would terminate someone on first day back from medical leave. And Texas is also an at-will state.

Assurant turned me down.

NASE turned me down.


Good news ... the IL Dept of Insurance told me that my new company HAS to offer me COBRA, even if I quit. So...that'd be for 18 months and then I'm told I'd be eligible for I-CHIP (the IL "risk pool" program).


So....not sure what I'm going to do now :(.
PamO said:
Okay, I've been out of the loop for a while because my father passed away, but here goes...

Cocoa - you should be okay and I stress the "should" in this sentence. A new insurance company may request certificates of coverage and if they see a gap, even if it's one day, they may include a huge pre-existing clause. Some do, some don't. Believe me when I tell you that you can find a caring person at an insurance company. It's hard, but you can. It just takes a lot of work!

Oh Pam I am so sorry! Prayers and condolences. I haven't been online a whole lot lately so I just saw this.

Thanks for the answer. Guess we will have to see what they do then.

Joann was terminated at a part time job by SEARS! They said it was because of her health. This was BEFORE the discrimination law was passed. Retained an attorney that forgot to file the case within the proper time. She got nothing!!!!!

Never missed 1 minute of work and had great evaluations!

Bad News sometimes comes to Good People. The manager that did this act eventually got his. What goes around, comes around!