This event will definitely be on the "Things in My Life that Suck" list. But you have Kyla and Lucas and they just automatically make the "Things in My Life that Bring Joy" list infinitely longer.
I think your simply trying your best to compete with me. You can stop any time now.
One night down, two to go.
People keep telling me "At least you'll get to catch up on some sleep." HA! Those people must not know about the hospitals' vow to never let a patient sleep through the night! I was awakened 4 times for vitals (finally just woke up completely with the last one), 1 time for an EKG, and 1 time for blood. My twins don't wake me even half that much!!
I'm curious to know how Nathan's night went. But I don't want to call and wake him (or the babies) if they are sleeping. Guess I'll have to wait for him to call me... *sigh*