Two Year & 8 month checkup

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Northwest, IL
Saw my Cardiologist last Tuesday for my 6 month checkup! Told me everything sounded fine. Said I looked good! I told him I feel great! Valves sounded great! He said next checkup we'd do another stress echo. Told me my last one was great, which I already knew, since I was there! :) My INR was 3.3 so I was happy.

I had my sweatshirt on and this time he noticed it. He was asking me all about it and he wrote the website down. I told him it was a great support group for people pre and post op. I told him other cardios have joined and that we have a Coumadin expert who manages a clinic! He was very impressed! I believe he will log on at some point and check it out. I wish I would have had one of Hanks cards with me that day. Next time I go for my INR (which is Dec 23) I plan to leave a few cards there for him and my Coumadin nurse.

It gives me such a great feeling knowing three years ago I could hardly breathe, walk, well do anything! Now I feel better than I had probaly for the previous 8 years! It wonderful we have such great medical technology! Without it, we wouldn't be here to talk about it! :eek: Thankfully that's not the case!

I'm very thankful I found such a wonderful website as! It really helped me mentally after surgery! Now I live each and day to the fullest. I don't take anything for granted anymore. Don't sweat the small stuff, because that's all it is! God Bless everyone!
Great news Lorraine!!!!! May all your check-ups follow suit.


What a great appointment! Congratulations. It's always so wonderful to hear such good things.

Take care,
Hey Lorraine,
Glad to hear how Great you are doing! Keep it up!;)
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical

Great results, way to go!!

Hey Lorraine, you mentioned something about cards??? Does Hank have business cards? If so, where do we get them....I'd love to have some to give out at our cardio's office and to friends who have asked.....hummmm

Lorraine, congratulations on your GREAT check-up. I have corresponded with a gal who at 10 years postop with a mitral mechanical valve, says that sometimes she thinks the surgery was a figment of her imagination as she feels so good - only the medication reminds her!

That will be you, I'm sure in another 7 years!! :)

May you be blessed with continued good health!

Hi Low Rain :) ,

What great news. I hope you get reports just like this one for many many years to come.

I've given out a few cards lately too. The people I have given them to all seemed so very pleased. (We got the business cards from Hank at the reunion and they are very professionally done.)
Great news!!!

Great news!!!

Hi Lorraine,

Wonderful! So happy for you. Just love good news. Especially when it's around the holidays. May you have many many more years of continued health!

Can't wait to see you at the local gathering after the hoildays!
Hi Lorraine,,

Reading your post made me smile. Congratulations on your fantastic checkup and your healthy life! I hope you have many more healthy years and checkups in the years ahead. Yikes..... Guess you better start saving now for all those VR reunion trips!

What great news. I'm headed in Wednesday but I'm only 4 months post op. It's great to know you are feeling so wonderful!!! Keep up the good health.

Great stuff

Great stuff

Glad you had such a good check-up. Makes the whole holiday thing sparkle, huh?
Congrats Lorraine

Congrats Lorraine


Chalk one up for the double clickers!!
Thanks Everyone!

Ross I hope to stay healthy for a long long time!

I was excited and happy about having a great checkup. I didn't expect anything less, since I have been feeling so good! I was even more excited about the cardio being interested in our website.

Evelyn, Thanks!, Like Betty said, we got the business cards at the reunion from Hank.

Gina,Perry, Thanks! It is nice to have good news especially around the holidays. Yes, Perry us double clickers have double the reason to be grateful! I'll see you both after the holidays.

Rob, what can I say. I met you at the Nashville reunion when I was 7 months post-op! I felt so alone, even post-op until I met some members in person, that I had been writing to on Then the reality of the wonderful website I had found, came true! Hope we see you Colorado.

Georgia yes it really did make the holidays seem brighter. Also didn't have to watch the vit K as much!:D Didn't go hog wild, though!

Thanks Les! It definitely is the way to go! :cool:

Heather, I'm sure you will do fine on your four month check -up. It really did take me about 9 months to a year to really feel great!

Christina, Thanks! If I didn't have the bills to prove it or the double clicking, I'd think it was a figment of my imagination too! I'm sure as more and more years go by and I don't have any complications, the operation will seemed like a faded memory. Well maybe not totally!

Dave, Nancy, Karlynn I Thank You! We all like to have good checkups.

I hope my cardio does lurk on the site and will encourage more of his patients to check us out! I will have to take the cards when I go for my INR!
"Congrats" Lorraine..

"Congrats" Lorraine..


That is marvelous to hear that you had such a great check-up, and that you are feeling so good. Isn't life great Lorraine?
I hope you have many, many more great check-ups in the years to come.
I am going to see my cardio the 8th of December. I see him every 6 months, and as usual I also hope to hear that things are clicking well, and that he'll say: "see you in 6 months".
I think I am due for an echo next year. How often do they do a stress echo? Haven't had one since shortly after surgery in 2000.

Keep Smiling!
congratulations, lorraine!!!!

congratulations, lorraine!!!!

i was really thrilled to see that you had a great checkup! i love good news!
may you have only great checkups in all the years to come, many more.
i havent' been on for some time, but hope you all had a happy and healthy thanksgiving_ life can be so sweet.
stay well, sylvia

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