Two weeks post surgery

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Feb 24, 2013
Sydney, Australia
I cannot believe that it is already two weeks ago when they wheeled me into the theatre.
I am back home since day 9. The most difficult thing at home is to keep my 18 month old away from me telling him he can only cuddle daddy"s legs....
Medically I am still struggling with the same things:
- low hemoglobin value
- high pulse but lot low bp, making me sometimes dizzy when walking and limiting the time I can walk. Pulse went down to 85 yesterday and I generally felt better yesterday. Let's see what the cardiologist says today
- feeling my heart sometimes beating very strong inside myself. Don't know if this is normal.
- my in was at only 1.5 on Monday and the docs are concerned about clots if it didn't come up today to above 2. Might need to self inject heparin for a while in addition.

Otherwise I am walking two time a day outside for 10-15 min and pace at home three times for 10 min. Besides the dizziness mentioned before this goes well, although I. don't feel like running yet LOL
In the evenings I am pretty tired and usually need another nap (besides my afternoon nap) before watching some crappy TV.
Feel better buddy! I too do feel my heart beat very strong inside myself at times. I'm guessing this is normal.

One day at a time!
Yes, the strong heartbeat at times is normal for most after a surgery like this. I'm thinking the heart is a organ that does not like to be touched, and having had the sack around the heart opened up, also can intensify the pulse, some feel it throb up the neck too. At 5 months now mine is starting to tame right down, very relieving. I think the heart goes through lots of remodelling after surgery, even at 5 months now, things are changing for the better.

I suffered the low hemoglobin too, on day two out of surgery, it dropped below 70, my surgeon then ordered two units of blood at that point. By that evening I was able to get out of bed and start recovery. At 30 days it had risen considerably. Also the high HR settled down after 3-4 months for me, came home with it in the 80', now it's in low 60'. Yours will too.

I would also be a little concerned with an INR of 1.5 too, hopefully your doc helps out with that today. If I remember right you also have a mechanical valve. My range is 2.5 to 3.5. I would boost my dose if dropped below 2.0 for sure. I suffered a TIA 2 yrs before surgery, trying not to go there again.

Keep up the walking and resting, sounds like things are going as planned, it will continue to get better with time. Take care.
GSman, sounds like your recovery is slow and steady. Hopefully everything will resolve itself in time. Keep up the good work. As you know, all these post surgery help those of us still in the waiting room. Kim