two weeks post-op

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Thanks Betty

Thanks Betty

Hi Betty,

Thanks for taking the time to answer me, I guess it just amounts to not getting enough info out of my cardio, fortunately, I see him on Tuesday. I guess I will have to be more forward with him and ask him to come right out and tell me. I just hate not knowing. Once again, thanks, and I hope all is well with you and yours.
Harrybaby:D :D :D
Hi Betty,

Thanks for your note. Glad to hear that you have some flexibility relative to work. That helps for sure!

The fever is a little concerning, though, huh? Be alert for infection and pericarditis and the ever-elusive effusion. One of my symptoms was a low-grade fever, combined with chest pain that moved around and an overall malaise. They say that effusions usually show up 10 days + after surgery. Keep your eyes open!

My energy climbs in little stages. At first, I felt great in the hospital, but walking and being around home was challenging. Then I felt great around the house, but smaller outings were a bit of a challenge. When those became easier, I took on bigger outings. Friday I traveled to Philly and visited a friend overnight - climbing all of her stairs, walking the town, and being alert for several hours of conversation at a time was pretty draining. So. . . that is my next goal: to stay active most of the day in a very stimulating environment. My home environment is pretty elusive because it "feels" like I am being busy and active, but in all reality, there are still a lot of breaks and rest periods worked into my schedule.

As for heading back out West, I am not quite sure when that will happen. My current timeframe is sometime in October, but I am taking things a day at a time.

Keep us posted on your health!

Hey Melissa,
I am glad to hear how well you are doing also. Are you going to start cardiac rehab soon? Don't over do it.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
Are you going to start cardiac rehab soon?
Pffft, the way she's been doing things, she runs her own cardiac rehab. I don't think she'll need the slave-master style that most of us get. Melissa, over do? Now why would you think that?

I think we all know her well enough to know she does too much, but she's seeing the results of that, so chalk it up to learning. ;)
Hi Dave,

Cardiac rehab out here would be a challenge because of the distances. . .like 2-3 hour round trip each time. And I am not yet driving. I may put in a request to do it once back in Boulder, though. It would be nice to have some guidance to make sure I am hitting target heart rates, working the proper muscles, etc.

3+ weeks now

3+ weeks now

Well, I am still feeling like I've had a pretty easy time of this so far but some days are definitely better than others.

Right now I'm 24 days post-op. I have alot of soreness in my right chest and chest x-ray shows some pleural effusion. Rib x-ray shows a rib that is somewhat displaced and an awful lot of wiring holding ribs together. I also had some catgut suture than worked its way to the outside of the chestwall and I had removed today as it had become bothersome. No treatment other than we'll have to keep an eye on that.

Now....INR is 6.1. , no evidence of bleeding so we are just reducing the dose and checking again in the beginning of the week.

I guess I'm still progressing well but I feel like I've stalled out a bit.
just a little stumbling block....

just a little stumbling block....

hi betty!
you have been doing so well and a little snag like this one should be resolved in no time.
joey had a little pleural effusion as well and it was cleared up pretty quickly, if i remember well (?).
please don't feel discouraged. you've been doing so well. just try and be patient and take it a bit easier and you will
keep on recovering as before.
wishing you all the best.
be well, sylvia
Hi Betty,
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling as well as you were. Probably just a sign to cool it. You are only 3 weeks post op, maybe you are just overdoing it a bit. You probably feel so much better heart wise, that you want to keep going. I bet your grandson likes you being home so much.stay home and rest. I have a granddaugher who just turned 3 and she is the apple of my eye, even though she likes her papa best- at least she has good taste in men. LOL ...Be careful with that INR. Call your Dr if you notice any bleeding. Take care and keep us updated.
Kathy H.
Now Betty..............

Now Betty..............

as a nurse I am sure you are recognizing the signs of "slow down". I know how discouraging those days that set you back feel like, but you really must take it easy. I was surprised when I read your post about returning to work!

Plus you have an INR of 6.1-girl how did you manage that one? Dipping into those coumadin tablets a bit too heavy handed 'eh? I am sure that you will slide down to a normal INR no time at all. Let's hope you turn out to be one of those "stable patients" and don't follow in myself and Rain's footsteps of irratic INR's.

Try to remain positive. Tomorrow is another day ;)
Hi Betty,

One step back, then a few forward. You are doing great.

Keep a close eye on your INR. Being so soon after are not fully healed at this point. I had an out of control INR
3 weeks post op and it caused full blown cardic tamponade.Was up to the doc to lower my dose at 4.0 and he let it ride. Which I am now comfortable doing....not directly after surgery. Live and learn.

Do you think you will make it to Chicago? I know you had planned on it.

Hang in there.

Of course I'm still planning on making it to Chicago!:)

I'm just being a little whiney today is all. It has been a real blustery day with winds 40-50mph and driving rain at times.(part of hurricane Isabel). I'd go back and remove my whining post but its too late since people have already consoled me so nice.... what is one to do?:)
Hi Betty,

Don't get discouraged. I too had a lot of ups and downs like almost everyone here. Two steps forward and one backward is still a net gain. Perhaps this is some diabolical plan by Steve to get you back into the waiting room. DO NOT fall for it!

Hey there Betty!

I?m so happy to hear you are feeling and doing well. :) We don?t mind your bummed out posts.... we all know all to well about those good days, bad days. It?ll get better.. I promise. :)

Sorry to hear about your high INR... That could be part of why your feeling a little yucky. Of course that?s from ?Dr. Rain?... haven?t quite passed my medical exam yet.... :eek:
NO NO Paul! I don't want to go back to the waiting room! I'm over the mountain and I will keep marching:D

This is nowhere near as bad as the wait! Yes, I think I'm feeling much better already.:D
Betty, your not whining. Just unloading...that is what we are all here for! Anytime.

Can't wait to meet you in a few weeks. If there is anything you need to make your stay more comfortable.... please let me know. We can start with a large stack of fluffy pillows at the Sheraton. ;).
Chin up Betty.
You and Melissa are remarkable. Can only hope to do half as well as you two.
One question - what is a plain and simple explanation of effusion.
This is the first I've heard of it. I can only find very technical explanations - fluid on the lungs??? like pneumonia??

Now, Paul. . .

Now, Paul. . .

OK, Betty, Paul tried to spoil my plan. . . NOT! I am so sincerely pleased at your progress that I wouldn't change it for the world! I only caution you to not "Do an Arnold" and try to do so much that you cause harm to your new self. I'm forever greatful to you for your help and support in The Waiting Room (and don't tell Paul that you're the undercover agent for the Waiting Room over there on the other side of that mountain.)
Hey Betty,
You are doing Great! It will be 5 months since my surgery in 2 days and I still have to remind myself to slow down. There are days I think I can move mountains but end up moving sand. So hang in there and maybe slow down that marching just a bit. Looking forward to meeting you in Chicago.:)
Have a Great Weekend.:cool:

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
OK Susan,

An effusion is when excess fluid accumulates in a space.
Pleural effusion is fluid that has collected between the lung and the membrane that encases the lung. During heart surgery they put chest tubes in this area to keep it drained. You always have some fluid so there isn't friction when your lungs inflate and deflate but if you get too much accumlated then there is danger of a lung to collapse because the pressures change in the chest.

Sometimes some pleural effusion is a heads up that congestive heart failure is developing.

Infections, injury, and inflammation are all things that can cause effusions. With heart surgery you have the injury and some inflammation is unavoidable so effusion is very very common.

It usually will go away on its own but if it doesn't there are treatments for it. Sometimes pleural effusions used to be called "wet pluerisy".
Hi Betty - I've been following your progress and it's looking good. So glad to hear you're a little better each day. Don't push it too hard - you gals tend to think you have to kill all those snakes the first day. Easy does it works so much better. Chris