From the original post, I couldn't tell if the problem was (1) putting too big a drop onto the strip, or (2) the right size drop, but the drop runs to the wrong place.
If the drop is too big, that's easy to fix. Don't warm your hand up so much before sticking your finger, and use a lower setting on the stick pen. But I'm guessing that's not the problem.
When I first started using the INRatio, I had a bit of a problem hitting the green light exactly right. If you just barely miss it, sometimes the drop will just hang around the outside and never flow into the meter properly, resulting in an error. My solution to this problem was to use a bigger drop. In addition to warming my hand under warm water, I pump my fist and shake my hand (sort of like shaking a mercury thermometer) before I stick.
Also, after the stick, my finger was blocking my view of the green dot. Now I hold my head down low and sort of look at the meter from the side, so I can actually see the drop touch down on the green dot. That seems to help, and after a week or so I got the hang of it and had no further problems.