Hi Gillian!
I am on 7.5 mg Altace (a brand name for Ramipril). This is an ACE Inhibitor. This drug is one to be taken every day without fail. My dosage was gradually increased over three months, an additional 2.5mg at a time. You don't want to stop suddenly. My doc casually termed it a "morning drug", so that's when I take it.
The above links explain about the side effects, etc. They say to watch your intakes of potassium, as this causes more potassium to be floating around in your system. As with other blood pressure meds, don't be taking it with grapefruit or its juice. Someone else explained how this interferes with the absorption (or something like that).
Some people experience a dry cough, to the point where they have to switch to something else. I've been on this since January, and I've felt dizzy, "spacey" (more than normal

) , and a few near-blackout incidences. You want to get up gradually, don't suddenly jump out of bed! Once I was hanging out in a hot tub too long, drinking champagne (with my AUNT, okay!

) and the combination of AR, Altace, heat, and alcohol ( talk about vasodilators! ) had me unbelievable dizzy and sick to my stomach when I got out, it was NOT GOOD.

This past week, however, I have not felt dizzy at all.

I don't know why!
For me, they are trying to bring my blood pressure as low as possible to help the heart and prolong further damage to my LV. Thus I am on the edge of blacking out, so you might not experience dizzyness so drastically.
Otherwise, from what I know, it's a fairly safe drug that's been around for a while. My doc said no worries about liver or kidney damage - but please let me know if you hear otherwise.
OK, I hope this helps!!