Trip to Baltimore

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Just returned from Baltimore,MD. We left on Friday at 9am and when we got to Virginia on I-95 it was pure madness!! Trafic backed up forever and police everywhere. We were listening to our satelite radio amd had no idea the sniper had just killed a man in Fredricksburg,VA moments ago. It took us 8 hours to get to Baltimore (usual 4-5 hour trip) Well we went to a beautiful wedding and reception and we danced the night away! It was an evening wedding and we shopped at Potomic Mills that day and boy was I tired but kept up with everybody and then danced away at the reception until 1:00am. Feet were tired and so was I but very proud of myself and happy! Boy that new medicine (Coreg) has made a big difference! I feel so much better and have loads of energy to burn!! Thank God for these good days. I go to Duke on Wednesday so pray for me, Love to all!!!:)
Hello alicia,

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Have been thinking of going to virginia to play the lottery. With the snipper about think I'll stay home. Who will you be seeing at duke? I live ten minutes from the hospital. martha
Hey Martha, I went to Duke today and saw Dr Thomas Bashure and he is great! He agrees on everything my cardiologist is doing and no surgery is needed at the time. Do you know him? I was seen today at the Wallace Center for living and my next step is to have a level 3 stress/exercise test at the cardiology clinic at Duke. What a big place that is. Everyone was great. I see you had surgery at Duke. How did that go? If test goes okay I will not need to return to Duke but if test is abnormal he wants to do a cardiac catherization. I love going to Virginia Beach and sometimes I do get a lottery ticket. Whats your story? If you have a minute, let me know your story. I really have enjoyed this site.
A friend in heart, Alicia:)