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dtread Supporter
Supporting Member
May 28, 2007
Silver Spring, MD
Here's my TOOTS picture, showing both AVR scar and Pacemaker implant scar (upper left chest near shoulder). AVR Surgery was 06/05/07 and Pacemaker implanted 06/11/07. Picture taken 07/22/07. Both scars are healing great; they did an absolutely amazing job.

Recovery has simply been phenomenal. I went back to work and the gym 3 weeks after surgery and now at 7 weeks post surgery am doing regular 18 mile bicycle rides, and consider myself 85% - 90% recovered, with little to no chest pain and all the symptoms I had pre-surgery being gone.

Whoever's the next customer for TOOTS can send me private message with name and address and I'll send on the fabulous Tawdry Shirt.

Outstanding! Welcome to TOOTS and your new life. Feels kinda good to ham it up a bit doesn't it? :D
Lookin Good!

Lookin Good!

Lookin Good there buddy!

I haven't seen that dance move before though.

Are you from Egypt? Cause I am sure that's the King Tut pose..
Excellent recovery story. Well done. Great pic, too.....I bet you had the moves down pat on the dance floor back in the 70's ;) Congratulations on officially becoming a TOOTS member.
Great pic, Dan!
It's great to know that you're feeling so well this soon after replacement.
Way to go!
Looks good!

Looks good!

Dan - Great pose! The shirt looks familiar! Wear it well for a speedy recovery!
That is a great picture. I had to look really hard to find a scar.

I am wondering. Where do the shirts come from? I'm sure that I have a few of my husband's that I could donate, as long as nobody tells him!


Thanks everyone for the welcome to TOOTS. I'm attaching a picture that was taken five days after the surgery, while I was still in the hospital. You can clearly see the scar in this picture. When this picture was taken I had just come back from an Endoscopy because my intestines had shut down after the surgery. The folks that gave me the Endoscopy had attached their own telemetry patches on me, and then did not remove them after the procedure. That explains why there are a few extra (unused) telemetry patches on me. This picture was taken the day before I got the Pacemaker implanted. Both scars are healing extremely well; they did a fantastic job of gluing the skin back together, or however they did it. I know the Pacemaker folks used glue, but the AVR scar had no apparent glue residue at all so I am not sure how they did it. Its certainly great to look back on this and say that I'm on the "other side of the mountain"!! FYI, that's not a hospital wristband, that's a Lance Armstrong "LIVESTRONG" wristband. I'm a supporter or helping get rid of cancer and a bicyclist also. Thanks! -Dan
You look just great Sir Dan!

Your eyes tell the tale that you like the view from this side of the mountain.

All my best,
Fine Pics

Fine Pics

Dan, I like the pics! I like those doors in the first one, and I'd say the shirt in the second post might win in a "tawdry" contest. I'm jealous because my scar is so much longer! No pics now, but I'll try to get one. Keep up the good work! Brian

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