Took someone else's medicine...sort of

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Have you lifted your leg yet to go pee? Smiffing anyones crotch? Eating any kitty litter? Chasing fire trucks?

Next time you go to the Dr, don't be suprised if they stick a thermometer in your ass, give you a treat and pat you on the butt.

Michelle... your lucky Jeff didn't grow a Vagina.... he may have never left the house.
Wise.... you may also want to warn your friends not to come over for a few days as you may hump their legs.... :D :D :D

- John (yes.... I have issues... :D )
wise smith said:
John (Perrybucsdad) may have some tips for Jeff. Actually, I would have freaked out about that. Was he more soft spoken for a bit afterward?
Michelle... did he ever say "Not tonight Honey, I have a headache" after that?
perrybucsdad said:

Have you lifted your leg yet to go pee? Smiffing anyones crotch? Eating any kitty litter? Chasing fire trucks?

Next time you go to the Dr, don't be suprised if they stick a thermometer in your ass, give you a treat and pat you on the butt.

Michelle... your lucky Jeff didn't grow a Vagina.... he may have never left the house.

You may look green but your imagination is not!

How did you know about the kitty litter?
perrybucsdad said:
Michelle... did he ever say "Not tonight Honey, I have a headache" after that?

What do you mean AFTER that? :D He said that BEFORE !!:p
wise smith said:
How did you know about the kitty litter?

That brought back memories, er, nightmares.....
Our only dog -- Sandy, a Cocker-Poodle mix -- had an affinity for our cats' litter boxes. Finally had to put the litter boxes in our back room, a catch-all room, with a dog-proof gate the cats could jump over.
momshell7 said:
What do you mean AFTER that? :D He said that BEFORE !!:p
Oh great...another under-sexed woman. Where were you all when I was in college?
That reminds me!!

That reminds me!!

Are you sure you've told cindy about my post??!!lOL!! I've never taken anyone else's medicine, but I'm sure I've taken my propranolol40mg twice within minutes instead of once. I have done a few daft things myself, you know, put the sugar in the fridge sort of thing. When I was a child and very sick and quick tempered, my mum had to give me 4 drops of this tranquilizer and well, I had the habit of pretending to faint for a joke, and I did it very well. One day, my uncle went to visit us and a few minutes after having taken it, I did faint and my mum just wouldn't believe me then. Once she realized I wasn't joking, she ran to the neighbour's house to use the phone since we didn't have one at the time, and called the doctor. I hadn't had rheumatic fever yet so noone suspected I had a heart condition. He told her to check the bottle and see if the guy hadn't given one for adult use instead. Unfortunately that was the case and there was nothing thy could do but wait and see how I would wake up. This happened in the morning and I only woke up after 6:00pm, and starving!! LOL!! I was very calm for days and would do anything people asked me to without flying off the handle.
My Lady Love gave a party once at which someone went into her medicine cabinet and stole her Estrogen. For quite a while we were keeping an eye on the male guests to see if any had thought it was something you could get high on, but were now sprouting breasts.
perrybucsdad said:
Oh great...another under-sexed woman. Where were you all when I was in college?

I see you live east of Cleveland, I went to college in Bowling Green so I guess you should have "gone west young man" :D :eek: Sorry bad joke :p Just couldn't help it!! I think this site has been a bad influence on me :rolleyes: :D
Too funny Wise! A good friend of ours had a similar thing happen. He took his Golden Retriever's thyroid medication by accident. He call his wife from work in a panic when he realized what he'd done. She told him to keep his nose out of people's crotches and try to resist any urge to chase cars.
Karlynn said:
Too funny Wise! A good friend of ours had a similar thing happen. He took his Golden Retriever's thyroid medication by accident. He call his wife from work in a panic when he realized what he'd done. She told him to keep his nose out of people's crotches and try to resist any urge to chase cars.

I've noticed that all of the examples of others taking their pet's (or other's) medicines are guys. What does this say about us? We're animals!! We're just trying to prove it. But, I have a feeling that it doesn't add much to our manly reputations. Just a hunch. Still glad not to be alone in my animalism.
Short memory!!

Short memory!!

I suppose I can add Milady's(my dog) example in here too. Well, she didn't exactly take another animal's medicine, but she seemed to have enjoyed the rat poison alright! At least for the first couple of minutes anyway!!LOL!! I'm happy to say though there was no pemanent damage and she's doing just fine!
Débora :)
You just made my day.....only because I can see myself doing that.....thank you for the grin....
hensylee said:

You following your wife closely? (in tandem, so to speak)?

Yes, Ann, I'm certainly trying. In tandem...hmm...ya know, I'm usually slightly in front, but I don't let that fool me...she's way ahead of me ALL THE TIME.
wise smith said:
Yes, Ann, I'm certainly trying. In tandem...hmm...ya know, I'm usually slightly in front, but I don't let that fool me...she's way ahead of me ALL THE TIME.
Put it AWAY Wise (anyone who ever had a male dog will know what I'm talking about). :)

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