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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
and famous last words. Just got this in my radio enews:

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This time, Uncle Sam will be watching when Florida goes to the polls.
With Florida set to have its first general election since implementing new election laws and policies, the federal House Administration Committee is planning to send observers to be "the eyes and ears" of Congress.
Congressman Mark Foley asked committee chairman Bob Ney to have staff present during the balloting process. Ney was a lead sponsor of the election reform bill that passed the House Thursday.
After the voting debacle of two years ago followed by the "voting irregularities" during Florida?s Primary in September, Congress voted to implement national election reform laws.
Ney said staff members will be in Miami-Dade and Broward counties as observers only, just to "take a look at what?s happening in the election process."

Ya'll reckon we'll get it right this time????? If we don't, at least somebody will be watching us while we get it wrong - isn't that encouraging?
Well, we sure screwed up the primaries last month. That should have been a learning experience but the new machines won't fix the human factor. And we've got ten proposed amendments to the State Constitution dealing with issues as diverse as the death penalty, class size, tax exemption for granny flats, and protection of pregnant pigs. It should be fun for all.

-- roy --
Roy - my radio enews is trying to educate people on those amendments (we are TRUE south here and not as educated as you TRUE yankees in S Florida - BTW, where are you anyway). Bet most people will just skip the amendments altogether, don't you think? Every election, things get a bit more interesting and messed up. Well, at least we make news and provide lots of chuckles!:D