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In and out, in and out. Takes on a whole new meaning doesn't it. LOL

Brandy I must have missed old are you?

Medtronic of Borg
The doctors said that she will probably be retunring home on Sunday. She was up and walking this morning and afternoon. She hates that breathing exerciser, but I made her do it. (The one time in my life I get to tell my mom what to do...hehehe)

I'm sure one of the first things she will do when she gets home is read all of your posts. And post one of her own. I must go now, I am very tired, she called me at 1am to tell me she was in her own room and then called me bright and early in the morning to see when I was coming in to the hospital.

By the way, I am 18, the oldest. My sister, Beth, is 17.
Thank You Brandy

I'm sure your mom is very proud of you and she should be. My son Steve did all the updating when I was in the hospital and it means alot to all of us here.

Looking forward to hearing from mom when she's ready to type on the computer again. Get some sleep now, you've earned it many times over. :)
Doesn't sound too anxious to get home, does she? teehee

Now you girls will have to get your tushes busy to keep up with her. Make her walk, but let her sleep when she wants to. She'll be fine sooner than you think, but needs her babies close to her. God bless
Down the mountain

Down the mountain

Brandy and Beth - Hensylee said it better than I ever could, but the next 6 weeks are important to your Mom. She will get tired very quickly, and may even be a little foggy from time to time. Try to figure out how to share the job of taking care of her, and be assured that she is on the path to recovery. We're more than happy everything turned out ok and proud of the job you guys are doing for your Mom. Chris
I'm Home!

I'm Home!

Hello everyone! I thank you for all your posts. The girls have been great! First order of business was getting me home, Brandy drove. They didn't let me take a shower or curl my hair! So, Beth was responsible for drying my hair. Gosh, that feels so good. Now, I'm worn out and need to rest.

Thank you everyone for all of your help. And I wanted to let you know as soon as i came to, they told me over and over that I got the St. Jude's vavle.

write more soon, after i rest alittle,



wow got home quickly and you sound so bright ...that first hairwash and shower is wonderful ...well done on coming through so well , now you need to take things easy ,don't rush things and walk and walk ...let the kids pamper you doesn't last forever so enjoy it now ...
Lovely to see you home
Welcome home, Tracy - just the other day you were wondrin 'what to do - what to do' - no more wondrin now. It's done, you are home - now you get on with your brand new mended self. You did good. So did the girls. You can be proud of them. We are. God bless Ann

It's so good to hear your voice. I'm so happy for you that you're home. It's a wonderful feeling isn't it. Your own bed and some privacy, and being able to clean up when you want to.

Keep your little pillow handy and work on the spirometer. That's very important.

Your girls are just fantastic. What wonderful and detailed updates we had!

Best wishes.
Hi Tracy

Hi Tracy

I e-mailed you and told you how easy it would be at St. Joseph's in Atlanta...5 star cardiac nurses..AND the best-looking doctors I have ever seen..The Peachtree Cardiovascular and thoracic Surgeons..Mine was Dr. Brown and your Doctor..Dr. Murphy..I saw 3 weeks post-op..My only was Easter weekend and I didn't get to come home until Monday...NO pain..No remember anything when I was in ICU.. My sister went with me on a trip this past week and she told me..she saw me right after surgery and next morning and I was peacefully asleep.Woke up around 10 a.m. in a private room..Hate to brag..but they are great...Now, just follow thru with your outpatient material. Take one day at a time...Bonnie
hi tracy!
it's so good to see that you are home and recovering nicely. please thank brandy for keep ing us all up to date on your condition.
just try and rest a lot and take it easy. do a little walking here and there and also your breathing exercises. but most of all, just get your rest. your body's been through so much and really needs it to recover.
stay well, sylvia
Home already...........?

Home already...........?

Just couldn't believe it was you posting so soon

I'm so glad that you have your surgery over and are recovering so quickly. You have two real fine girls there to look after you so take it easy for a while and just be pampered....... deserve it.

God Bless,
Well Tracy girlfriend -- you did it! You've had the 'big Kahuna' and deserve lots of rest now. So get in that recliner and let the girls take charge. They've done a pretty good job while you were in the hospital and we really appreciate it. You must be so proud of them...!

So glad you had it 'your way.' :D
Hey Tracy!!! Welcome to the otherside! I think you take the record for getting sprung so quickly. We want to know your secret;)

Wishing you a very speedy recovery!
Welcome Home Tracy

It's great to have you back and on the road to a speedy recovery.
Now, about that curling iron..... What's up with that anyway? :D

Let us know how things went when you feel up to it.

Moving to post surgery forum
Glad to hear all is well, Tracy. Makes me feel better as I get myself mentally prepared. Please keep us updated.
Hi Tracy

WELCOME TO THE OTHER SIDE!!! So glad to hear you are doing well......remember the rules, walk, walk, walk, breathe, breathe, breathe, nap, nap, nap.

Again, many congrats.


Welcome Home! There's no place like home! You do seem to have set a record going home so quick, but I certainly wouldn't argue about that.

Rest! Sleep! Breathe into you spiromater and walk! You will find each day you'll have a little more energy each day to do a little more of everything! Don't forget to hug that pillow when you cough or sneeze! OUCH!

Thank your two daughters for us for posting for you. Let them help you as much as they can in the next 6 weeks! You need time to heal! Wishing you a speedy recovery!


I'm so glad you are home. Do everything they tell you to but listen to your body. Don't overdo. You will pay for it in the end. Good luck and do not forget to walk, breath, rest, breath, eat, breath. Peggy
Welcome to this side of the mountain, Tracy!

Welcome to this side of the mountain, Tracy!

Hey Tracy - Looks like we climbed the mountain at the same time. I had my AVR done 3-12, and came home 3-16. Hope your daughters are doing for you as my wife is doing for me, and try not to feel too guilty about just lying around. Your job now is just to get better.



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