to introduce myself..

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Hello. My name is Paula. I have congenital aortic bicuspid valve/aortic stenosis. I have known since birth. I went to my cardiologist every year, then every two yrs. Now at 29, I found out i need to have an aortic valve replacement. I see my cardiologist every 6 mths now. I have done much research on the types of replacements and I and my doctor agrees feel the ross procedure is the way for me to go. One for my age and active lifestle and I want to have more children in the future.
I tell you, the day I found out I would have to have open heart surgery, I went to my car and cried like a baby. I then drove for an hour or more before I went home. I could not belive what I had just been told. What I thought was a regular visit, turned out to be something totally different. Seems my aortic valve has narrowed to a 0.8. Which I was told a 0.7 was critical. Since I have learned alot more on the subject and talked to anyone who will listen to me and asked question out of the ying-yang I feel so much better and at ease. Knowledge truly is power. I would like to hear from someone who has had the Ross and then went through childbirth. This is such a wonderful site. Thanks for letting me share my stoy with you. ;)
Hello Paula and Welcome

This is such a wonderful site, filled with knowledgeable, caring people who are able to answer just about any questions you may have. My husband just had an avr the end of June, so we can't help you with the ross procedure, but I'm sure you'll find someone here who can.

Again, welcome, and good luck.

Paula - Welcome to this web site. I did not have a ross procedure, however my scar is just 3 inches. I had my Aortic valve replaced with a homograft, so I avoided the blood thinners. Just thought I would let you know there are alternatives to mechanical valves.
Hi Paula
Your story sounds a lot like mine. I had congential aortic stenosis with insufficiency from a bicuspid valve. I was diagnosed at about age 4. Yearly cardiology appointments etc.
I found out in March 2001 that I needed surgery. I freak for about a day and then thought that it would all be okay. It was.
I had the Ross Procedure 7/12/01, 5 days after my wedding. I was 33, almost 34.

Unlike you, I have no kids and was always told that it would be unwise for me to have any. So, everyone is different.

I see the cardiologist on Friday for my first echo since surgery and then see the surgeon for my one year follow-up. I have been very pleased with the outcome of my Ross Procedure.

Before my surgery, and especially the 6 months just prior, I knew I was tired and would fatigue easily. I really needed a nap every day. Now, I feel great. No naps needed, get up early and can do all kinds of exercise the cardio restricted me from before. It's so cool!
Please e-mail me if you have any questions:
[email protected]

We're glad you found
Welcome newcomer!

Welcome newcomer!

Hi Paula, My name is Sylvia and I had the same news given to me last Dec. In Jan. 2002 I have my aortic valve replaced. Cow by the way. I'm a lot older than you, so I choose the cow for other reasons. I can truly say, after finding this web site, I became a member of a large family. There isn't anything you can't ask or let off your shoulder.

There are many wonderful people here, and all just eager to help in any way. Let us know your progress. Good Luck. Sylvia G.:D :D