Go and talk to the cardiac rehab peolpe about costs, and insurance and the like...because, to be honest, I thinks its absoluetly essential to get along to cardaic rehab if its anything like my cardiac rehab, and I have made freinds for life from my weekly sessons, seriously, but even if you don't make new acquaintances, the information is priceless. I was fit, healthy, and strong and knew about quite a bit...but I learn't something new each time. We had physioltherapists, exercise physiologists, cardiac nurses and nutritionists involved. It would start with a short lecture/info sesion on a particular topic, (medications, nutrician, exercise, food labeling, first aid, what to eat, what not to eat,and more), then we would have vital signs checks (weight, pulse, BP), and then have a tailored exercise session (warm up, stretch, exercise), and all the time giving you advice about what you could do, what you should avoid at what stage post surgery, and all the time sharing experiences with other people, some with similar conditions, others who had suffered a heartattack or who had a pacemaker or whatever, it was enlightening to say the least, and most of all there were experienced staff on hand to answer tricky little questions you might have. It was non threatening, supportive and encouraging with everyone else in the same boat, and for me it was priceless. If you can get into a group class, and if for some very unfortunate reason yoru insurance doesn't cover the cost, I recon the cost may not be much more than going to gym and its worth much more than that in my opinion. As I said, I'm not sure what your classes may involve, but go along and find out what is involved, what the costs are and when the classes are held. I drove for over an hour one way to get to the class, and it was worth the effort for me. Let us know how you go, but the target in Australai is to get 100% of post cardiac surgery patients into cardiac rehab sessions. opps, sorry, just saw your post about insurance...bugger, darnm drat. But a trainer at the gym will be very helpful, but you may find that a weekly session at cardiac rehab might not cost more than a session at the gym, but might be quite helpful, so I would still explore the cost and explain your particualr situation. Take care