To Bob Gleason

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Thank you for the late birthday wish. Hope you are feeling better. martha
hey bob!
it's so good to see you back, we missed you. i am so sorry to hear that you are still dealing with those tia's. what did the dr's say? will they ever subside? how are you feeling?
it's good to see you here again. please keep us posted, ok?
be well, sylvia
Hi Sylvia!

Hi Sylvia!

Tia-like symptoms continue but I am learning to live with it as nothing solid has been diagnosed. Latest opinion is I get migran seizures which are similar in symptoms to TIAs. I don't beieve so and my contention remains the same, that is that microembolio hit my arteries in my brain causing the TIAs.

Depression has been in check, lately, but I know I am not the same as I was.\

Thanks sop much for your note
Hello Bob!

Hello Bob!

Hi Bob

Just read your message on the 'small talk' board. I've not been online for quite a while, but often wonder how you are getting on. I see they are saying your TIA symptoms could be migranious episodes! Exactly what they ended up saying to me. I get migraines occasionally and can clearly tell the difference between that and TIA episodes. Like you I am learning to try and live with them. They seem to be less common for me lately thankfully. But, isn't it annoying when the doctors don't seem to understand. I often wish they could be in our shoes for a day and experience some of the things. Oh well!

Just wanted to say "hi" really and let you know I'm in a similar boat to you.

God bless,

[email protected]
Hi Jonathan!

Hi Jonathan!

Thanks for your note. Hope all is well with you. I have always felt, as you do, that the Drs try to write off these TIA symptoms as something else. I was told that migrane seizures are not simply the headache that one gets as a migrane.

I wonder how many others get these symptoms. Mine have been going on for over two years.

Take care.
hi bob! hi jonathan!
i'm sorry to hear you are still dealing with this.
yet, i'm glad, bob, that the depression is in check. that alone is a big thing!
i'm sure you've checkied with a number of other cardios, right? about the "tia"s"?
please keep us posted from time to time, ok? it's good to see you again.
stay well, sylvia