To all the Minnesotans

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How tragic about the death of Sen. Paul Wellstone and his family and aides. What a terrible thing to have happen so close to the election.
I'm not a Liberal, but can only hope that the new Senator has the personal accountability that Wellstone had. I think he truly voted his conscience and stayed true to his beliefs and tried hard to do what he thought was right for the people of Minnesota. There are so few true statesman in D.C. that the loss of one is a blow.
As a Minnesotan, I really had a hard time today with the loss of our dear senator Paul Wellstone, his wife Sheila, their daughter, the aides and pilots. Paul was someone I had a difficult time dealing with when I was an executive in the corporate world, but he was difficult because he had strong principles and ethics that often collided with big business. He was a champion of the common man, and he was not fond of the big organizations that routinely chopped jobs while executives got bigger and bigger bonuses; he was a champion of availability and affordability of health care for all Americans; he was a man of compassion and concern and supported veterans causes even though he was not a veteran himself. But more than anything else, he was a man who stood up for what he believed even when it was not politically popular and cost him votes. His honesty, his integrity, his ethics, his energy in pursuing his convictions...these are uncommon attributes in our government, and his memory will endure because of that.

Thank you, Mara, for your kind words.
I, too, send along my condolences to Minnesotoans. The death of Senator Wellstone is so tragic. The country needs strong doers and believers like him - he will be so missed.

I strongly support his beliefs and hope, like Mara, that we will find a suitable person to take the reins.
Thanks folks! Mr. Wellstone, his wife, daughter, the campaign workers, and the pilots will be missed. So sad!!!!!

They had two sons that were their survivors, as well. IT's too bad that had to happen. I know their plane crashed, but do they know why? I've been sort of busy today, and haven't watched the news. Well, I am also a minnesotan at heart. Born and raised there. senator Wellstone and his family did some great things for many families in Minnesota and all over the nation.



was that YOU on Good Morning America this morning discussing the election status in Minnesota?
