time on pump poll

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Wow I never thought about how long I was on the machine (will ask today when I see my Doctor) but I do know I was on it twice since they unsuccesfully tried to repair it first then realized (after starting me up again) it would need to be replaced. So Im sure the first time would be longer than the second. hmmmm good food for thought.

My mechanical valve and I have lived together happily for seven years this month. Woo hoo! : ) I just looked at my surgical report and it says I was on the pump 3 hours 55 minutes for a valve replacement/aneurysm repair.

The surgery was supposed to be very routine and take three to four hours. However, it took almost twice that long because of complications due to scar tissue left over from my first surgery. Apparently that scar tissue caused my right ventricle to become stuck underneath my sternum. <gulp> Because of this the surgeon said another redo would be very risky. Here's hoping that my valve and I must spend MANY more happy years together. : )

Hope everyone is well. Take care.
Congrats Davesmom!!! Happy Bday to your valve and you! I found out today that the first time was 61 minutes and the second was 34 minutes. Any longer would have made me MORE fuzzy than I already am HA!
Joann was on the pump for 360 minutes. Can any one top this firgure. Surgery was 12 hours. 2 mechanical valves replaced and 3 bypass. Lot of scar tissue issues. BAD NEWS!
imhayley said:
Congrats Davesmom!!! Happy Bday to your valve and you! I found out today that the first time was 61 minutes and the second was 34 minutes. Any longer would have made me MORE fuzzy than I already am HA!

Thanks, Hayley! Yes, my valve and I had a lovely bday dinner. : )

Actually, we're going to have what will hopefully be a lovely annual echo on Tuesday. Fingers crossed! I NEVER want to hear the word surgery again....unless, of course, it's preceded by the word plastic. Now THAT I could go for. : )

I have to say that for the first year or two following my surgery I was not fuzzy at all. Felt clearer and sharper than I had in years. However, I definitely seem to be losing it again. Urgh...

John: Wow! That's a long time on the pump for Joan. I had major scar tissue issues myself and that's why I'm praying my valve lasts for a long time.

All I know is that my surgery lasted six hours: attempted repair and then a replacement. I guess that explains me. :D :D

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