Hi Bonnie good stuff that irish whiskey, much underrated and overshadowed by it's Scottish cousin, but never new it could be prescribed as an antimicrobial.
I've actually done the fiddling for dancers and never got paid! which reminds me St Patricks day is just round the corner, wonder if I'll be able to pick up my violin by then.
I got your e-mail ......huge thanks - loosing weight would be no bad thing for me but i could think of less drastic ways!
Thanks Hensylee, Nancy, ........I'm trying and not worry about it. Don't reckon the hospital is going to turf me out onto the street.
I had already looked into nursing and convalescent homes as an option. It must be different over there in the states. there are a fair number of private nursing homes but mostly geared towards care fore the elderly and they're very expensive (£700 UKP + per week) - beyond me!
UK Private health insurance companies just won't cover any condition that pre-exists the policy and since my bicuspid aortic valve was congenital - I was scuppered. there's many like me over here in the uk who can't get Private health insurance even If we want & can afford it. We're forced by default to rely on the National Health Service (NHS).
There used to be NHS covalescent facilities for post op patients but they all appear to have been shut down and sold off to private developers or as private nursing homes for the elderly which don't offer general post op convalescent as it means additional insurance costs for them plus lots of local health authority red tape.
Private health insurance over here is a bit of a con.The Standard of NHS medical treatment, especially at specialist hospitals is generally very high. It's where all the training and much of the research takes place and attracts many top brains!.
You just don't get any of the frills (or thrills!) like private rooms or decent food and have to wait for the non urgent stuff!
Very often Private health companies just sub-contract out NHS facilities anyway (making the the rest of us have to wait longer in the queue. Something we British are world famous at).You really don't want to be in a Private only hospital for serious stuff like heart surgery as once you get past the aesthetics there have been numerous horror stories of the Privates not having the facilities to cope with complications.
I Think I've just written a thesis defending our NHS!