Three weeks and three days post avr

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Active member
Dec 7, 2010
Albany, Oregon USA

pre-surgery -- The upcoming surgery was on my mind all the time. Farmed out the dogs the night before the big day.
Morning of surgery-- headed to hospital 4:45 AM, all checked in by 5:30. My wife informed the nurse that they did not need to shave me because of my Alopecia (autoimmune disorder-( full body hairloss)). They wheeled me out about 6:45 AM and finished hooking up iv's. that's all I rember untill waking up with the breathing tube and unable to talk. I fell back to sleep about a min later and when I woke up the breathing tube was out.
AVR-- They gave me a 23mm ON-X Valve, and a 10 inch scar. MY Aorta was in very good condition (thankful for that).
Leaving the icu-- the next morning They got me ready to leave the icu not too much excitment there.

Sharing a hospital room-- my roomate had his TV on VERY LOUD all night, His visitors were very loud also. ( the earplugs were very handy)
First Walk-- When I first stood up for my first walk I had a lot of nausea, so that delayed the walk. When I finally went on the walk I didn't realize how weak I was. the walks always seemed like a chore. Everything progressed nicely from there and I left the hospital 4 1\2 days after check-in. They made appointments for me with the surgeon, the Cardio, and my GP before leaving the hospital.
Home after Avr-- I live and sleep in the recliner since my return home. I am amazed at how much stronger I get each day. Yesterday I walked 2.4 miles. I only need one pill for pain a day, the pain is almost completely gone now. I have a 5 pound weight limit untill 6 weeks then a 10 pound weight limit.
The cold-- at 2 weeks post op I got a small cold, fever of 99.6 thank goodness for the heart pillow. My appointment with my gp happend the morning after I had the fevor and my doctor gave me a prescription for cough syrup with codeine. That cough syrup was a gift from God, it worked really fast and I always stopped coughing almost immediately after taking it. The doc said to let him know if my fevor went above 100 degrees, but it never did.
At the check up with both the surgeon and the cardio, my heartrate was a bit high and they both had me get a echo strip. Both were fine. They told me it was just from going through the surgery, and I should be fine. The surgeon said I did not need to return. The Cardio said next appointment in one year. Both the surgeon and Cardio seemed surprised by my progress. I am 51 y.o. and otherwise healthy going in.
I start Cardio rehab Wednesday Feb. 2, 2011
ACT-- I take 2mg on sun, wed, and fri. and I take 4mg on mon, tue, thur, and sat. my INR has been 2.3 the last three checks, If it is still in range (2.0 to 3.0 with target of 2.3) on Feb 10, then my checks go to only one a month.
All in All things have gone better than I expected. We got our dogs home today and they behaved perfect. Really happy to have them home. Now I can take them on my daily walks, I am so happy about that. In Oregon the weather has been nice, it has been mostly clear and in the high 50's. (well its Oregon so some clouds, but very little rain since I got home.
In the hospital I had a little pain in the left arm and shoulder, but not too bad with pain meds., all that seems to be gone now.
I use the surgery to have a little fun, I tell the wife and kids, that i am an injured so they have to be nice to me. It is all in fun we get a kick out of it.
Just after I got home I was in the recliner, and I asked my daughter for a bowl of icecream, well she complied, but she dropped the bowl onto my chest from about two to three inchs, that kind of hurt, she forgot about my condition. She is 18 yo. so she owes me now.
I have three daughters and my 18 yo is going to be the Valedictorian this year.
This site has been great. I believe it is the a big part of the reason that my recovery has been so smooth. Knowing what to expect made things go better.

Well thanks for listening to my rambling.

Hi Ron,
That's terrific news. And very inspiring for me. I'm booked in for my AVR on Feb 22 - three weeks' tomorrow - and am feeling ok about it most of the time. It's great to read that you are feeling so well just three weeks after the surgery.
Hope it continues to go well ...
Good to hear recovery is going well.

Good to hear recovery is going well.

Hi Ron,
I am waiting to go to bat soon, I have an 18 yo daughter as well, no icecream requests from her. lesson
My wife has a cold right now, has not hit me so far, hopefully it can be avoided.
Great to hear your recovery is going well...
I see that your weekly Coumadin dose is 22 mg and you are probably using only 4 mg tablets to reach that total.

To my mind, an easier way to achieve that total would be to take 3 mg 6 days and 4 mg 1 day which would 'smooth out' your dosing (i.e. less day to day differential). You could do that with 3 and 4 mg tablets or 3's and 1's.

Are you using a 7 day Pill Box? If not, I HIGHLY recommend it (as do many Docs and Coumadin Clinics).

I hope you do NOT have leashes on those dogs. They can PULL with more than 5 lbs of force!
My 60 lbs of "unbridled enthusiasm" pulled me around to where my shin slammed into a tree after spotting a squirrel. Result: HUGE Hematoma that took 6 weeks to subside. 'Interesting' Colors too.
It was VERY uncomfortable going from a laying or sitting postion to standing for a few minutes.
Ron - Thanks for the update and thanks even more for being a role model for so many of us. I, like Allison, already have a date set for surgery. Mine will be on March 1, and I only hope I can get on with life as quickly and as well as you have.
Thanks for sharing your recovery with us. I will be doing this in the spring. Keep up the great are doing wonderful......there is lots of positive energy here. God Bless.
Ron, sounds like things went very well for you. Hope I do as good. Four days away for surgery.
sounds like you are doing great! and yes be careful with those dogs, i couldn't walk my goldens for at least 4 weeks. i didn't train them very well when they were puppies so they PULLLLLLLLLL for the first 5-10 minutes of walks. it's terrible!
Hi, ROn-
So glad you are doing so well. I got a 21mm On-X on Jan 13th. Had a smooth recovery until week 2.5 when afib kicked in. Doing much better now. Can you hear your valve? I can hear mine in my right ear if I hold my neck/head just right.