This may not be a thread you want to read, but it important

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Ross said:
Hey it's hard when the only things happening to you are negative. You begin to lose sight of the positive.


Sadly, this is very true. And, what is more frustrating for me ... is that many people I know remember very well my "evil twin" ... the sad/bitter me ... and automatically think that "blahs" equates to going back to that.

*rolls eyes*

Course, if they REALLY knew me ... they'd know I'm much better than my "evil twin" ever was (or ever will be) ... ;).

*chuckles devilishly*

perkicar said:
she mentioned Seasonal Affective Disorder. I think it's been longer than just winter, but......I'm hoping it starts to get better and soon......

Well, I think that might be part of my problem ... after all, winter is my "blah" time ... with only one of my Monte Carlos on the road ... and the other ones "sleeping". And, it is getting downright cold around here, too :(.

BDMc said:
To Cort and Carolyn, I really value your comments and presence here, and think you are both wonderful! Sending hugs to you, Your VR bro, Brian

Thank you, Brian ... definitely appreciated :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Someday tomorrow will smile" ... Oak Ridge Boys ... 'Dream On'
It was very hard for me at 35 to have to face writing a living will and signing a durable power of attorney but ,as a nurse, I knew it must be done. I contacted a lawyer immediately after I was told I would need surgery. It was the first thing that I did. I also got all of my life insurance papers around and anything else my husband would need in the event that I did not make it over the mountain. He would not know where to begin and assuring that my family was set was in some way calming while at the same time disturbing.My daughter is not the biological child of my husband but he is her father. This evoked much fear in me. I had to think about the legal aspects of what needed to be in place to assure she would not be taken from her father! That scared me more than anything!


Hang in there! Every post I have read shows me and hundreds of others that you are not a loser! In your post about that, I said I was a "loser" too! And proud of it! Also very proud to have association with people like you and the others here at

hpuehler said:

Hang in there! Every post I have read shows me and hundreds of others that you are not a loser! In your post about that, I said I was a "loser" too! And proud of it! Also very proud to have association with people like you and the others here at


Thank you, Heather. I certainly appreciate this.

And, just another reason why I always suggest people get together whenever possible.....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"I'll always be around" ... Willie Nelson ... 'Highwayman'
Hi, yes, this is a very difficult topic. My husband and I both signed POA's and Living Wills/Health Proxies before my recent surgery. And Nancy is absolutely right, everyone wanted mine....the hospital, the doctors, even the home care agency!

And deciding what one wants when you don't know what the situation will be is very very difficult! Just hope that I am making the right choices now for whatever might happen.

My mother had a Living Will /Health Proxy (me) which the hospital and we referred to several times during her illness prior to her death last April. We had to make decisions not to give her curative care, but only comfort care as that is what she had stated. As she was not able to participate in her care decisions at the was up to me and my family.

Quite frankly I had a very hard time honoring her wishes....and I wasn't sure if she would still feel the same....but I couldn't ask. I would much rather have tried to keep her alive. So,in my opinion, it is a mixed "blessing" to have that piece of paper. Either way it is difficult for those having to act on it.
This thread was just the impetus I needed to get my "paperwork" done before my surgery date. My husband has had his done for over a year and has been trying (very nicely) to get me to make some of these decisions also. For whatever reason, I have procrastinated until now. After reading this thread (thanks Nancy!), I will get to work on it tonight and hopefully take at least that worry off my husband's shoulders.

At this age (24) I really haven't thought about it too much, but will now. Not saying that I could die early but you just never know. I do remember going into surgery being asked that question, I was like "HUH". My wife is my beneficiary on everything, but I don't actually have a will.

It is definitely something I am going to talk to my wife about now.