Third OHS coming up soon

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One month post-op now. Overall I'm feeling pretty good. Trying to stay active by taking brisk ~1 hour daily walks.

I can still feel the intense banging when taking deep breaths, and I'm left wondering why did it happen this time, but not the other two surgeries. Can't wait for it to either subside, or for me to get used to it.

As for INR, I'm finally back in range (2.25) after a week on 9mg dose. I've switched to 2x5mg since yesterday, aiming for that 2.5 level.
As for INR, I'm finally back in range (2.25) after a week on 9mg dose. I

also, be aware that in recovery your body changes and the INR response will too. So don't be surprised when you need 12mg to get 2.5

I'm not just pulling this out of my arse
So as well as personally experiencing it its in the literature. By the literature I don't mean this:


Also, make sure you record in a nice and clear chart the weekly readings. Make them weekly so that you then have actual time series data not just a set of numbers.

If you don't do this you're just guessing on dose adjustment. Sure we're always guessing but the goal of science is to reduce the scope of that guess. Try this sheet for example. I advise you to: copy that 2022 sheet to 2023 and then change the dates (on the 2023) to the day you will weekly test on (try to make it the same day) or change the dates to week number (and still test on the same day). Then fill in that sheet and copy that when you need 2024 data.

Best Wishes