They want to send my Dad back to the same rehab

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My brother called and they may discharge him tomorrow and send him back to that awful place:(

Because the doctor that admitted him to the hospital was the nursing home doc he is in charge of my Dad's care now.

He started my Dad on a med again without his knowledge and then told him after. He put him on proscar for an enlarged prostrate. My Dad has his own urologist and if he felt the need for that he would have put him on it.

And I didn't know my brother told me today that when my Dad first put inot the rehab he went into afib. The nurse said he was just anxious, but my Dad knows when he goes into afib after all these years. They didn't have the medicine there to convert him.

My brother is calling the doctors tommorrw.


Your dad can refuse to go. That would be the only thing to prevent this. Lakeland is a big enough area that there must be other rehabs.

Time also to find him another doctor. This guy is going to cause some serious danger to your dad's health.

Has your dad's SURGEON been advised of all that transpired while he was at that facility ?

IF NOT, why not? The SURGEON needs to know.

You may also want to contact the Hospital
and inquire if they have what are known as
"Patient Advocates" who look out for the
Best Interests of the Patient.

SOMEONE needs to stand up for your Dad!

I am sorry your dad is going through this and your family too.

I concur with the others in urging that all efforts be made to find a better alternative for your dad after leaving the hospital. Al has a good suggestion about seeking out a patient advocate at the hospital, if there is one. Many hospitals do have such a staff member. Perhaps there are other social agencies dealing with health care, aging, etc., that could help out. If this rehab facility operates like this routinely, there may be complaints on file with the FL govt in Tallahassee. May be some sort of consumer advocacy agency that could help out. I would pull out all the stops to get him to better care...

Best wishes,

You need to step in for your father & tell the doctors "why" you don't want him going back to this place. Your Dad's life could be in danger if someone doesn't say something QUICK!!! :eek:
I need not say anything. Others have done it for me. Dad simply cannot go back to that place or there is a very real danger that he will never come out.
Does his hospital have a patient advocat? If so, I'd contact them right away and get them busy looking for another facility.

This is a very tricky situation. He can refuse to go, but then what will his insurance do? It seems you need to get this doctor to approve another facility. If it were me, I'd let the doctor know that if I was forced to put dad back there due to insurance because the doctor would not approve another, then anything that happened to my dad would result in the doctor being sued.

If insurance will pay for another facility - there's no reason to put dad back there, regardless of what the doctor said. Doing what the doctor said almost killed me twice, so I am not one to always follow doctor's orders if I know they are contrary to my wellbeing. This facility couldn't get anymore contrary to your dad's wellbeing. This is not Communist China. You do not have to do as you are told.
He really shouldn't go back to that terrible place. And someone has to investigate the other facilities where they might want to send him, they could be even worse.

I faced this situation with Joe. They wanted to send him to a place about 100 miles away from his home, which had the most egregious violations of patient care. I found it right on the web on a patient's advocacy site. Maybe it was under a Google category "patient abuse".

After much going back and forth with what was supposed to be the hospital social work group, cloaking themselves in the mantle of patient advocates, they came up with choices which were even worse.

Nursing homes, rehab facilities deserve all the bad press they get.

They ALL have to clean up their act.
Just got off the phone with Dad, he said the surgeion will be in to see him before he is discharged. Going to call my brother and let him know, as my brother is calling his docs this morning.

Allhigh-I posted the name in my other post days ago
And the forum here is helping me.

I feel so helpless, as my Dad is in charge of his own care, but what he's been through he really isn't .

And with HIPPA its hard to talk to anyone about him.:(

They did have him up at the hospital, walking the hall and he went to PT.

As for the shower incident at the rehab, he said when he fell he knew enough not to get up on his own and yelled for help. They got him up by lifting him under the armpits.

I let you know how my brother makes out calling his surgeon etc.

Thanks agiain for all support, at times I feel am losing my mind, really.

Pam, you father can tell the hospital and doctors that they are allowed to talk to you candidly about his situation. My mother-in-law was recently in the hospital and she gave permission for any of her family to get any and all of her information.
Exactly. The patient can name anyone (as many people as (s)he wishes) to be allowed to discuss his condition and treatment with all health care providers, social workers, patient advocates and the like.

Dad only has to give his okay and they should speak with you as freely as they speak directly with him.

I hope you locate a facility where he will get safer, more competent care. It cannot be in his best interest to return to that place.
Been on the phone with the nursing home administrator and the social worker at the hospital.

My brother said that the cardiologist is now mentioning pacemaker as Dad went into afib even with adjusment of betapace at the hospital. So don't know if this will be now or in the future.

Waiting to hear more from my brother. My name is on the chart at the hospital to tlak to anyone and also it magically appeared on there today at the nursing home.

Been "blasted" in a PM, said I am inactive and sad. This person mentioned me taking a train or bus, believe me checked into that , with my MS and then the heat in Florida I think I would be in no shape to help with my Dad. Believe if you are trying to make me feel worse than I do, I can't feel any less helpless.

Talked to my own social worker about getting some medication to fly down. My brother will be going back.

That PM is unforgivable! I am so sorry you had that happen. This site is not like that, really, it isn't. Please ignore the nasty-gram, that should never have happened.
Pam, I am also appalled that anyone would send you a nasty PM....I know from experience that can be very hurtful and un called for. Please know that you have alot of support here and the understanding that you are doing the best that you can. Keep your chin up and stay strong.

I am totally shocked that someone would send you such a PM. I sure would love to have that person come out of the closet and have the guts to post publicly.

You are doing everything in your power to help your dad and we commend you for that. Unfortunately there are always idiots out there that think they know everything.

Please keep up what you are doing as it sounds like it is working.

Unfortunately in any sizeable forum like this, there are likely to be a few who will send hateful messages like that. Please try to put it out of your mind -- it is clear to those of us who have followed this that you care deeply about your dad and are doing everything you can along with other family members to ensure good care for him. I will keep praying that everything works out well. We all know there are not always easy, 100-percent-guaranteed solutions.

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