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Sunshine susan

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Hi everyone! I'm not sure if this is the best forum, but I wanted to ask and this seems sort of a catch-all. I had AVR with St. Judes about 3-1/2 years ago. Been a member of this group since the beginning, but don't talk a lot--read and listen all the time though. Ordinarily speaking, I am the epitome of health and have had very few problems which is why I am curious aboauat this deal. Anyway, I have contracted a "pain in the neck" from probably my computer use at work (or maybe just on general principles). At any rate, I bought a package of those TermaCare heat compresses and used one Saturday night. The compress becomes hot upon exposure to the air due to the compound they are made up of which is mostly iron. There were no warnings for usge by any type of heart patient. Anyway, it is really warm and felt really good, but I woke up Sunday feeling absolutely horrible. My heart was racing and palpating, my chest was heavy, breathing was a chore, and I was so tired I could barely move. And my neck still hurt as well! 'Anyway, as the day wore on, I felt better finally. Has anyone else had an experience with these things? I'm afraid to use any more. They were no panacea anyway, but did help some. I can't be sure it was the compress either, but that was the only new addition to my modus operandi. The last few months have been nuts with my father-in-law dying, my mother-in-law fell last week and broke her pelvis (we have handled most of the care for them both) and work is getting busy with budget season--so it could be over all rebellion of my body, but the TermaCare was a new addition. Anyone else ever used with success? Thanks! :cool: Susan
WOW ! That's quite an adventure Susan.

Is there a contact telephone number on the package?

You may also want to call your cardiologist or his nurse / assistant and ask if they can think of a reason for the reaction.

Hope you get it resolved.




Did you check the "active ingredients" in this thing? I know we Coumadiner's should avoid over-the-counter stuff like Bengay, etc. for pain relief. Sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I'm in the same boat with my mother-in-law's recent death. Life's ongoing challenges are sure persistent!

Hey Susan-
I used those ThemaCare things too. I don't think they work worth a hoot. But, never had anything weird happen as you did.
Al and Perry are right, might be worth a phone call to the doc.
Ben Gay

Ben Gay

Just a note that my doc said I could use Ben Gay which I have been doing and, so far, no interference with my INR. I have Fybromalgia and couldn't live without Ben Gay!
my friend from work's mom has terrible fibromyalgia. she got a thing called a "Snuggle ewe" it is some kind of a sheep fleece mattress pad that provides warmth. Her mom says it really works. She wakes up with fewer aches and pains and sleeps better overall. I think she got tired of all the anti-inflammatories and the BenGay route. Personnally, I love Bengay. My husband hates it, he hates wintergreen.

Here is the web address of snuggle ewe.

Thanks, guys!

Thanks, guys!

Thanks for your responses! I didn't think the ThermaCare was what it was cracked up to be either. I didn't realize that Ben Gay was generally a no-no. I use that also. But I don't have fibromyalgia--just computer strain at times. Being a coumadin-er, I do try to be cautious.

Perry, I'm really sorry to hear about your mother. It is tough times for sure, but we get through it.

Hi All,

I don't know much about this subject but I do know my cardiologist has told me "NO Deep Heat". As I've been in physical therapy at two different points of recovery in the last 4 yrs, I know this, for me anyway, is a restriction. I'd like to learn more on this subject..anyone????

Zipper *~*