There is Hope! 9 Years Post-Op Today!

Valve Replacement Forums

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I'm new to the forum but I already feel that there is hope. Thank you for this gift.
Happy 9th Hank!

You win the race (between us, at least). I chose a tissue valve (a very 'promising' CryoLife SynerGraft), but now, after 7 years, have to redo.

This time it looks like I will be going with a mechanical valve, possibly the On-X.

You are an inspiration for us all and I don't mind at all losing to you and following your example this time around. It's not good to lose, but a lot better if we learn from it!

Thanks especially to you for this wonderful web forum with such a great group of fellow well-wishers. All of you helped me so much through the first time and are already helping prepare for this second round.


You are and continue to be an inspiraton to all of us, especially those of us who are still awaiting surgery and expect to receive mechanical valves. Each and every one of the family who travel the roads before we do makes our own travels so much easier.

Thanks for being here!
Congratulations Hank.
Glad to hear you are doing well.
Hard to believe how fast the time goes by.
As you and I know information regarding valve replacement back then was next to non-existent.
You sure changed all of that.
Congrats on your 9 years! Thanks for having the great idea of creating this amazing site!
Congratulations Hank, still not sure if my son will be on warfarin yet until he has his surgery but finding this forum as helped me see it wouldn't be the end of the world. So thankyou so much you are all great and wishing you many more good years to come.
good luck

good luck

I am glad you are doing good. We are about the same age and being on Coumadin scared me but luckily they were able to repair my valve. Thank you for the site.

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