The Vision of a Migraine

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Cort. Glad to hear that you are scheduling something. Or, are you just talking about scheduling something.......anyway -- that's good. I suspect that since the problem has gone away, it is in fact just a migraine. I talked alot about them in another thread. I'm a firm believer in what you eat is what you get. Foodstuffs (even some aromas) can trigger things. Yes. Trigger is the operative word here. You want to avoid triggering it. Once it's going, it really cannot be stopped. So, you figure out what set it off in the first place and avoid those things, thereby, not having to experience them.

Please let us know what you find out.

;) Mother Hen Marguerite
*shakes head*

I knew the "mother hens" of my online world wouldn't be able to stop hounding me ;).


Unfortunately, did not get anything scheduled today. And, since it seems to be "less and less" prominent, it's kind of hard to go in to see a doctor for something that isn't there any longer. But, I know...I should go anyway..."just in case".


I'll be talking to the opthamologist's office again tomorrow...we'll see what we can schedule.......

As for what triggered it...I haven't a clue :(.
Cort, just want to add one more thing ;) I agree with Gina about the caffeine connection. (She and I talked about that at the reunion in regard to my own occular migraines.) I haven't given up on it entirely but am cutting back. Something else I've completely given up is diet soda. One of my co-workers suggested the aspartame might be a culprit. I have stayed away completely and wouldn't you know, haven't had a single one in over a month. I was "flirting" with some momentary spotty vision this morning in class, but it went away in an instant. Just a thought...

Wouldn't ya know it? The "visions" were a bit more prominent today. I called the opthamologist's office...booked. Arg. I'm to call tomorrow morning to see if they have any openings tomorrow or Saturday.

I guess, in a way, I'm beginning to really dread going. I'm not sure I can take something else wrong.....


Sherry, I did consider that, but as of late, I've only been drinking caffeine free, not so sure that's the culprit....


My hunch is still stress. As I eluded to in my original post, life is rather hectic to say the least...and, for whatever reason, I don't have the motivation to do much about any of it. Maybe it's just the "holiday blues" :).
Hey Cort,

Just saw your thread -- dont know why I missed it...

I have been having these partial vision, zigzag edged bright ocular disturbances about once a week for a few years. After I found out about the valve issue, I described this to the first cardiologist I saw who told me to get it checked out. The ophthalmologist said my retina was perfect and these were ocular migraines caused by a temporary spasm of blood vessels, presumably connected to the eye.

I havent had an episode in the two weeks since surgery.....

Hi Cort!

Hi Cort!

I just got to your computer seems to have come down with a virus or something and I've had trouble connecting lately.

Anyway, I hope you get this thing figured out. I too have ocular migraines and also floaters in my eyes. In reading this and others threads regarding migraine makes me wonder if there is a connection. I think I remember asking one of my cardiologists that question once...he didn't think there was.

What I'm wondering about is: are there that many people in general that suffer from migraines or at least ocular migraines? It seems like about 90% of us valve people do.

Hang in there Cort...get it checked out and let all of us mother hens know what's up, ok?
Cort, I am so glad you are getting this checked. You would be a lousy pool player with a detached retina. :) :)
Seriously, it is better to be safe. Remember you can always count on us to listen to you vent if you have to add "one more thing" to your list.
Keep on smiling and say "heh" to those MCs.
Smiles, :)
ok!, good.

ok!, good.

Cort. Finally!

Jean. Yes, I think occular migraines are widespread among the general public. I'm 50 and I've had them since high school, at least (when MSG and caffeine products were the staple for vain young women!). I never new what they were until I actually took a psychology Perception class my junior year in college and Scientific America had an article on them with illustrations!!

Cort. Another possibility is MSG. Monosodium glutamate. Very exacerbating. It's a flavor enhancer. Mainly in Chinese food but hidden in all kinds of processed foods. In particular I had trouble with Cheetos type snacks. Strong dose of salt with a shot of MSG and a red dye kicker!!

Keep us posted!

Marguerite (maybe we need a Mother Hen Smilie option?? Ross??)
*rolls eyes*

Good night shirt tail have you "mother hens" come out of the woodwork. Geez!

*grins slyly*

Welp....I went today. Not by choice, mind you. Woke up with a terrible headache so called into work sick and stayed home. Went to see the opthamologist at 1:15pm....


Good news, I suppose, is that it is not a detaching least, that's what he believes.

Bad news, is that nothing really can be done right now. The opthamologist believes it is an issue with the "vitreous gel" (taken directly from the brocure he gave me), where the gel "rubs or pulls on the retina". When I told him that these "visions" have been off and on for the last week or so, he suggested that I come back in a month for him to check again (appointment scheduled already, mother hens)....just in case. But, for all that he viewed today, the retina is not detaching. And, stress is probably a factor....arg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So....sorta got answers, sorta didn't. Gosh darn it.

*runs and hides, wishing the "real world would just stop hasseling me"*
Floaters and flashing

Floaters and flashing

Hey Cort, I had the same thing, but don't remember having the headaches too. I get tension headaches all the time because I carry all my stress in my shoulders and neck.
Anyway, I had the floaters and flashing lights and had to go in twice to have the full workup with dilation and such. Since I changed jobs and careers, I haven't had the problem, or if I have, it hasn't lasted long enough that it scared me. I also had LASIK surgery a year ago, not that it would make any difference (but who knows!). But I was in a really stressful job, however, no one ever mentioned that it might be caused by that.
Hope you have a restful weekend and get a chance to unwind a bit. Maybe you should go get a massage--I love them and it does help you just relax and forget about things...I just wish I could afford them as often as I'd like!
lucky you!

lucky you!

Hm. Well, I also have posterior vitreous detachment. Newly diagnosed. It's the grey curtain thing that so many describe. (floaters) Or at least, it's MY grey curtain. It's getting worse, too, but hey I'm 50 -- everything's getting worse!

A massage sounds like a great idea! Sounds like you might have several things going on. Stress relief is the best medicine right now!!

Something that's great for stiff neck and shoulders is those long tube like things you can warm up in the microwave. They are filled with herbs and good soothing things and the warmth eases some stress. Just FYI.

Also, honestly, watch what you eat. If you have migraines mixing in, you could definitely spend a little time writing down what you're eating and thinking about when the episodes occur.

Gotta run. Just had to get my nagging hen back in here for a sec :D .

Hang in there!

:) Marguerite

Mother hens can be such a pain...sometimes ;).

I'm sure it isn't something I've eaten. I haven't eaten anything different in the last few years and I have a feeling if it was something I was eating, this would've shown up long before

That is a darn good song, isn't it? Heh...I know quite a few others that I could quote for "times like these", too :).

I really beginning to think all of the stress (not just work) is getting to be too much. But, sadly, I don't see any of those stress-causers going away anytime soon :(. As for that massage, that sounds ssssoooo wonderful. Heh, my ex gave great massages....

Don't forget -- stress, like guilt, is only "real" if you accept it. Take it from me, one who grew up with a Jewish mother. . .

Seriously, you might want to brush up on your stress management techniques. One thing to keep in mind is the question of "If blank-blank happens, what is the worst that could come of it? Would I be physically at risk?" The common answer, when we really think about it, is that we will not be in for any physical harm. We may be disappointed, we may feel less successful, we may take a hit to our self-esteem, but in the long run we will continue to go on with life. I know that you, like many of the rest of us, have a well-developed safety net of family and friends who will not let you come to harm.

That said, also remember that "It is ONLY a job. . . "
Ah, yes, I know it is only a job ;). Heh....that's why I've been a huntin' for a long time now. I'd love to get back into radio or newspaper in some way, shape or form...but, I either have too little experience or not enough experience...mostly not enough :(.

And, oh yeah, I do have a great friend/family network (and I'm not talking cell phone usage either) that will back me, not worried there.

As for the stress management, I think it's worse on me during the winters, when I can't (er, won't) get the older 4 MCs out due to the snow/salt. I think it is extra "worse" this year because of some of the other "issues" that I mentioned originally. But, I know this, too, shall pass...and, once the holidays are over, I will have more time for projects that will keep me busy....


" plans were quickly destroyed" ... Ingrim Hill ... 'Will I Ever Make It Home?'

"We all do the best we can" ... Blain Larson ... 'How Do You Get That Lonely?'
Hi Cort....

Hi Cort....

Just wanted to add my support and say I can relate to most of the issues you have been dealing with. I also get the blahs in the winter, and I know they are not fun, but again, then I can justify my passion for watching a good movie and resting....As for the job issue, I have only done two fields in my life...Retail or Janitorial, and neither is something I can do anymore due to my illnesses, I always felt the same way about finding a new field of work to get out of retail or janitorial as you do about getting back into newspaper or radio...I either had too little experience or not enough as you had mentioned. I also wanted you to know that I really relate to being fed up with the health issues, as I certainly have more than my share, and just once I would like to actually say that "I feel great". I hope you get to feeling better and get into radio and or newspaper as you would like.

*Meanwhile, Ole' Harrybaby will be on his continuing mission to hit the streets in his new (as Cort puts it) Baby Girl--Bubba--looking for MC's for Cort's buying pleasure.... :D :D :p :p :D :D Take Care, Harrybaby :D :D
Harry, while I'm also not working (because of my health) I'm taking full advantage of the situation by broadening my experience by undertaking home studies in my chosen field (advertising/copy-writing). I was also able to get financial assistance due to my health situation - although I don't know how that works in the States.

I figure if they can't get me back to my old energetic self, then at least I'll have the skill base to work from home. The internet and email is really opening up a whole range of options of this kind - it would be worth having a look at what's available in your line of interest (..they always say: if you want to be successful, do something your passionate about..).

Cort - same to you! If you lack the experience, see if you can do some part-time or home studies to broaden your skill base, or volunteer to help at the local paper or news-station, or submit articles to local magazines, etc (..not too sure what area of radio/newspaper you're in to..). You may find you have less time in the short-term to spend on your cars - which I know you love - but if it pays off in the long run by getting you out of a situation you're not happy with, and in to one you are, then surely it's worth the sacrifice.

I keep tellin' ya - be the Nike ad: just do it!!

Best wishes to you both,
Anna : )
*glances at Harry*

Oh, good night shirt tail...don't tell nobody you're hunting for cars for me to buy ;). LOL!

Seriously, thanks for the support...glad to know I'm not alone :).

*turns to Anna*


Yep...I've considered that. Just haven't "taken the plunge" as of yet. But, I do edit our church's newsletter, so I keep my skills up in that regard, anyway. Problem, too, is that some of those volunteer jobs don't give you the experience required to get the jobs....


But, ya never know. And, as for time away from the MCs, that would only be during the car season.... :).