The Time Has Come!

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My surgery (mitral valve repair or replacement) is scheduled for this coming Tuesday morning, May 25. To all my "coaches" here, thanks again for helping me stay "in control" of my plans. :) Somewhat!

As my internist said this week, "So, the time has come!" You asked me to "fill in some blanks". I live alone in a pleasant little home my husband and I built 44 years ago (literally) board by board. Problem can be my "just right" house sits on one-acre of land. Besides lots of trees, I have lots of grass that loves to be watered and a bunch of flower beds. No, I don't have grandchildren or pets, but I do enjoy the families of my friends. I live in Nebraska with a daughter in Texas and the other in Ohio. Not real easy to get together often which makes me sad. My other hobby is my computerized sewing machine which can be so creative with software for the computer working together. I have been retired for 15 years and consider this "bonus time" as all my goals in life have been reached. Our LORD has always walked with me.

I will supply my son-in-law with info about this group, so that, hopefully, he will post update until I can post for myself. Blessings to all of you. Spring in Nebraskaland.
where in NE

where in NE

Where in Nebraska do you live? I was born and raised in Lincoln. My husband was raised on farm near Humboldt. Where are you having surgery?

Will have you in my thoughts in the days to come and particularly on Tuesday. Please post ASAP when you feel well enough after surgery, and have someone post for you to let us know how your surgery went.

Know what you mean about a 1-acre lot. Nice not to have neighbors looking into your home, but mowing that 1 acre is for the birds! Our lot is 1 acre; right now, probably 3/5 of it is given over to wildflowers. The bluebonnets have pretty much gone to seed, so John's mowed those down. But the Indian paintbrushes & others are still in bloom. In another few weeks, John will mow all of that down and let the buffalo grass keep growing.
Would have been up a creek if I had had to keep up the yard myself last summer before & after MVR.
You live in a lovely state. My oldest niece lived in Nebraska for several years right out of college. She started her TV career as a producer at a station in Kearney (in the cornfields, is how she described the station) and then moved to a station in Omaha for 2 years. I visited her several times when she was in Omaha.
Dear Spring,
I know how hard maintaining a place can be when you're alone. My father died years ago, and my mom had to struggle to keep the house in repair. It sounds like you are very independent and have fared well.
All of God's blessings on you as you face this next big challenge.
Best of luck

Best of luck

I have had two mitral valve repalcements, the first in Nov, 1991, the most recent in Sept, 2003.

I was of course very worried before both procedures, and in both cases the worry was for not. In September, I went in on Tuesday and was out of the hospital before the weekend was over.

My thoughts are with you, and your positive approach to life will make things go so much smoother.

Regards, Dave Darsch
Wishing you luck!

Wishing you luck!

Hello Spring, Tuesday is just around the corner and it won't be long to it's all over and you're back home recovering. I've been having heart operations for a long time and after getting the news that the fourth one is on it's way, I must admit that I felt rather lost until I came across this site which has made things much easier. I also had my third one on a Tuesday, 19th December, 1995 to be more precise. Well, I hope your son in law is able to post here so that we can get news from you. Take care and God bless you!
Good Luck Spring in your upcoming surgery. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Try to have someone post for you so we won't worry.
Kathy H
Spring (love that name) - days are passing quickly and this time next week you will be closer to getting back to your beloved home. My prayers for your safe journey up the mountain. GODSPEED!
Lots of luck

Lots of luck

Lots of luck and prayers to you Spring. Just think in a few months you will be feeling much better and living life to the fullest. I myself am in the process of getting a "tune-up" so i will be in your shoes soon but am looking forward to feeling stronger and healthier. Good luck, god speed and posotive thoughts.
Jed ;)
Hello Spring (I love that name, too)

My prayers will be with you in the OR on Tuesday. I know you'll be fine!!! Please have someone post as I'm sure everyone here will be looking to see how you've done.


Good luck on Tuesday! We will all be wishing you well and anticipate hearing good news from your s-i-l after your surgery. :)
You will be in our thoughts during this adventure, and we will be here waiting for you when you get back.

I am glad your son-in-law might post for you, as we get anxious when one of our own "disappears" off the screen.

Very best wishes,
Spring - Good luck with the mitral valve repair or replacement. I had my mitral valve repaired in 2001 and all is well so far. I will say a few prayers for you on Tuesday.
Talk to you soon

Talk to you soon

Spring - talk to you soon - you have so many positive thoughts and prayers behind you.

The Time Has Come

The Time Has Come

Hi Spring,
Best of luck on Tuesday. You will do fine and we are all here waiting for your return.
Spring, what a lovely name!

We're wishing you the best of luck on Tuesday. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. We'll meet you on the other side of that mountain. I know all will go well. Glad to know your son-in-law will be posting.