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This is Julius. My nephew's dog..picture from our last camping trip. He's still a pup, but already as big as a horse!
And I loved the cat diary. Reminds me of my childhood pet, Tang....named for his color of tabby cat.
Thank you, Ross!!

Thank you, Ross!!

Thank you, Rossman!!! This was a picture taken at one of the dog shows. I scanned it and it saved to ?Paint? as default. I went to post it to the forum and it said, the file was to big. Well... I couldn?t figure out how to change the size of the picture with Paint, so I opened the file in Photo Shop... changed the size and then... said it had the wrong kind of ending on the file name... grrrr.... sooooo I went back to Photo Shop and changed it to JPG and posted it... but it always came up with my file name as a link to the picture. I?ve got a lot to learn about computers! lol After all the stuff I did to it and as it was when I posted it to the forum... my computer says the file is 7 KB JPG file.

I?m still not sure why it happened, I?ve posted pictures here before with no problem... but I think they have always been picture I've taken with my digital camera. I think it has something to do with how and where my scanner saved the picture to begin with. I think I need to make Photo Shop the default. Or maybe its the file extension name I need to worry about when saving the picture. Hmmmmm.... lol I?ll figure it out one of these days. Thanks for putting up with me in the mean time!! :p

Hey Bryan, Onyx just turned three a few days ago. (yes, Sara gave him a birthday party) :D He?s a wonderful dog. Great personality, really smart, strong and healthy. He can take first at a show and then come home and pull Ryan around town on his skate board or let Sara dress him up in scarves! lol We see these whimpy little dogs that you know never leave the house or RV at the shows. Onyx is their opposite. I think that's one of the reasons they do so well at shows... you can tell he just loves what he's doing.... no matter what it is!! He?s huge even for a standard. He?s 28" at the shoulders and weighs 80lbs. Can you tell we love our dog? :D lol

We used to have a siamese manx cat when my oldest son was a baby... but we found out that Eric was allergic to cat hair... that and them getting under the boat cover and clawing up the knee boards was enough to say...... no more kitties for us. :(

Loved all the pictures! Lets see if I can post one I took with my digital camera.......
Rain when you resize and save with paint, you should be able to click on "Save as type" right under file name and a drop down window should give you many choices from which to save. Choose JPEG or JPG. By default, Paint saves images as Bitmaps which are very large in files. Jpg compresses them greatly, there much smaller, and very little loss of picture quality.

Of all the file types you can post on the forum, BMP, PDF and ZIP are the ones that people have to download due to the size. The rest of them display when attached. Me hopes you understand, if not, write me and I'll try to teach you without confusing you.

Valid file extensions: gif jpg png txt zip bmp jpeg pdf
Trying again to put pic of your daughter and the family pet lady on here
Thank you!

Thank you!

Hey Rossman!

I think I do understand... most of it. lol I couldn?t find the place in ?Paint? to resize the files. I?m still learning to use Photo Shop... but it?s the one I use normally and am more familiar with.

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