The joys of teenagers

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I'm still up at 1am, my 17 year old son has just been taken to hospital, he was found on the street drunk and as banged his head. He is being very abusive, he is normally very quiet. It was his first day at work today so i guess he was celebrating. He wont feel so good in the morning, he will probably be having his stomac pumped. Just needed to get it off my chest, as my family will all be in bed and live quite away.
My heart goes out to you. I'm the mother of two teenagers and I am not looking forward to the mistakes they are bound to make in the next few years. I hope your son is out of the hospital and feeling better soon. Parenting is a tough job! I'll keep you and your son in my prayers.
Thanks Kris
he was at a friends house and normaly comes home early.My husband rang to say he is out cold, so i dont think they will let him home tonight but hopfully this will teach him a lesson and he wont do it again
Oh BOY!...
I guess he kinda got a lesson there...lets hope he takes it seriously...

I have three sons and am not looking forward to our boys trying this sort of stuff.

I hope all is relatively well by morning.
Hopefully he'll be just fine and will learn a lifelong message. I have 2 teen boys myself, so sorry to hear your news.

I'm just hoping to get mine to adulthood with no addictions, convictions or conceptions.... :eek:

Wishing you & yours well,
Hopefully, this will be a lesson learned for him. Unfortunately, this seems to be par for the course for many teenagers. I have 2 teenage boys. They are definitely a trial.
Thanks everyone he had no serious head injury,they let him home from hospital at 4am after being put on a drip to bring him around. i am letting him sleep it off today but im sure hes learnt his lesson or he will after i start nagging at him:(
Glad to hear there's no serious injury. Hope this is a good lesson for him. If he's hung over today, maybe he'll think twice about over doing it again. I know I did :eek: ;)
Teenagers are what make us gray early. I had 3 of them and 2 of the 3 were constant worries. At least I have one that has half a head about his shoulders.
There is a silver lining to all of this, when they have their own children the age that they are now, and are pulling out their own hair, you can sit back like the Cheshire cat with a grin on your face because you remember "when".

It is most satisfying. :)
Paula, Im so glad your son has no serious head injury. I have 2 teenagers and I dread the thought of them getting caught up in the 'drink culture' that is so prevelant right now. Judging from what I see on the news our streets are full of drunken ''young people'' 4 or 5 nights a week, (at least in Ireland and England). If he learns a lesson about the dangers of alcohol it will have been worth it.
Nancy said:
There is a silver lining to all of this, when they have their own children the age that they are now, and are pulling out their own hair, you can sit back like the Cheshire cat with a grin on your face because you remember "when".

It is most satisfying. :)
I guess i have somthing to look forward to then:D
today he is embarrest, sorry and extremley ill, so keeping my fingers crossed.
My "friends" propped me against the front door and rang the bell (I was also 15 and passed out). My folks let me sleep in the next day but when I got up my father met me with a good selection of yard tools. When he was satisfied with our lawn he sent me to the neighbors. I cut and puked, raked and puked etc. I was aloud to stop around 7:00pm. Not saying I never over drank again but I never forgot the consequense's:eek:

Great story, Cooker!

We were lucky with our boys, and our girl. No incidents of that sort, but other types which were not easy. The teen years are dangerous and the kids are very headstrong. I think the best line of defense is to do your best to keep the doors of communication open so that they feel comfortable to come to you with their stories. If your son is embarassed that hopefully means that he will be more careful. Perhaps he was egged on and taunted into this situation. Peer pressure is awful at this age. We always always stressed to our kids that if they ever got into a situation that they could not handle, no matter how ugly it had already become, we would come to their rescue and ask no questions...if only they would please call us and let us get them. My father did that for me and I never forgot it. I was so incredibly embarassed, but he came to get me. They need to venture out and make mistakes, but they need to know that we are there for them no matter what, too! Consequences can be a very useful thing, and we certainly used them. But love is the strongest, at least, in my belief.

Good luck! Keep loving arms wound around them and it won't be so bad!!


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