The Joke's on Me

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Thought you all might enjoy a little laugh at my expense!

Yesterday, I spent almost all afternoon canning fruit and digging potatoes and garlic in the garden. By the time I quit, I was hot, exhausted and breathing hard. I started getting ready for a much-needed bath, and suddenly noticed my hands.

My nails were blue! My paranoid mind instantly jumped to the memory of 2 years ago, before my heart surgery, out of breath all the time, blue nails, congestive heart failure. Now, I know that I have to have another surgery for my aortic valve, and I know the symptoms will be the same as before when my tricuspid valve gave up the ghost. You guys know the drill.

Anyway, I calmed myself down and began sorting out how we'd manage to go thru this again so soon. I can borrow some sick leave at work, etc. As I got a grip on myself, I began to scrub in the tub and ....realized the blue was washing off because it was from the PLUMS I had been cutting up for 2 hours!

Please tell me someone else out there is as paranoid about their health as I am - once you stop laughing at me, that is! Hope you all have a good week.

Joyce in Mississippi

My wife is always watching my finger nails and my ear lobes. The first sign of blue and she's kicking the oxygen up a notch or two. :eek:
I always check out Joe's nails and lips. They are sometimes bluish, but not as bad as they were before. His whole skin tone used to be bluish, until he went on Tracleer for pulmonary hypertension. Notice, I said I do the checking, he could care less. I'm the worry wart. LOL:) Somebody's got to be paranoid, right?

He really scared me one time when he had eaten a few of the new blue M&Ms. His lips were dark blue. I was ready to pack him into the car for the ER, when I did like you did and started thinking about what had just transpired.:) Washcloth took care of that.
Thanks for the amusing story Joyce.

I think hyper-vigilence goes with the territory. At least it does with me. I've become acutely aware of subtle changes in my capacity for exercise tolerance and shortness of breath symptoms.

What part of Mississippi are you in?

Thanks for the laugh! I understand perfectly. You mentally set yourself up without realizing it! I'm sure it was a relief when the blue washed off! :D At least you were able to laugh at yourself about it afterwards and share. Were laughing with you not at you! :) You have a good week too!
Where in MS am I?

Where in MS am I?


I live in west central Mississippi, right where the Big Black River joins the Mississippi River. Our community isn't big enough to be on the map, but the rivers are!


We all understand! We have all been there too. Just wait until you pick up on something heavy and pass out cold. I'm not sure what causes this but it has to do with that bad aortic valve. I did it several time before anyone figured out my malfunction.



I think we all get a bit paranoid from time to time, after all we have an artifical device in one of our major organs.

When I can't get my feet to warm up I keep checking them for that purple/blue toes, cause by heart problems and also coumadin.

I glad for your sake it was just the plums!
