The Granbonny Recovery Time Poll

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The Granbonny Recovery Time Poll

  • 2 months

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • 6 months

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • 9 months

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • 1 year

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • 1.5 years

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • never fully recovered

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • other

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
It's been almost a year and a half since my last surgery and as far as the heart goes I think I'm doing good,but its the rest of the body that's the problem. When I had my first 2 surgeries at the ages of 12 and 18 years old I would say that I was fully recovered by 6 months. My last 2 surgeries at the age of 38 and 42 its been harder to recover, I guess that goes with getting older.

so interesting!

so interesting!

Karlynn, thanks for starting this. I have no personal report from the Waiting Room, but hearing all the before and after stories is just amazing. So many successes yet so many different experiences. It is so helpful to read the what and wherefor of the personal comparisons of before and after the surgeries. As one who is hovering in moderate AS I just can't tell you how helpful it is to hear all these different descriptions. Thank you, everyone!

I don't think Jim's experience is necessarily typical, as he was relatively asymptomatic prior to his AVR - main problem was chest pain at rest only, and occasional SOB. So after about 4 months, he was feeling pretty much the same as prior to surgery, although he felt his heart was working properly even on the first day after surgery.

It's only over the last few months (ie just over a year and onwards) that he's been mentioning things are better than they had been. We went to a few weddings last April and he coped, but got tired quickly. This April we went to another wedding and I had to drag him away at 12.30 am, as he had to get up at 5am the next day for a motorbike show!

Also I think a lot of the anxiety surrounding the atrial flutter he had a month post-op has gone now. This may have contributed to his "recovery" taking a relatively long time as he was concerned about what he could do safely. But now we've got into a routine of swimming and walking regularly, with cycling thrown in when the weather's nicer, all's good :) .
I was playing tennis 3 months after my MIAVR. But 10 months after the surgery I still have days when I don't have that "get up and go". But then I'm 66 and have a low blood sugar problem so that may contribute to that feeling. I do know that I recover much quicker from strenuous activity. What now takes only a few hours, used to take days. I still have some "fuzzy" days (heart-lung machine effects?).

thought i'd put Chloe's recovery times in to depress you all - lol!

1st surgery at 6 weeks of age - about 2 weeks to get back to happy chappy child and 6 weeks until I could pick her up under her arms. She only had painkillers for 10 days after surgery - morphine for 2 days, then child paracetamol.

2nd, 3rd and 4th surgeries at 18 months of age took her about 5-7 days to get back to being a cheery little thing walking round the ward demanding attention and again - only a couple of days of normal children's painkillers (we have calpol here, I don't know what yours in the US would be?).

Children are sooo resiliant!

6 - 7 mos. recovery - CARDIAC REHAB!!!!!

6 - 7 mos. recovery - CARDIAC REHAB!!!!!

I checked "6 mos.", but I'm surprised at the long recovery times that others have sustained. I thought the typical recovery was more like 2 mos., unless there were extenuating circumstances. Guess not.

I spent 2 mos. in the hospital before, during and after my surgery. 6 1/2 wks. into the stay I almost had the strength to walk down the hospital hallway once a day -- twice a day if I was feeling real chipper.

I spent 3 wks. convalescing at home where I didn't have the strength to walk to my home office in the front of my house or to use my computer. I then returned to the hosp. for another wk and a half to have my gall bladder removed and only after that did I begin my recovery.

A couple of weeks later I started Cardiac Rehab[/COLOR][/B] and that's when I turned the corner. If you are reading this and just had your surgery or intend to have it soon, then be sure that you sign up for and religiously attend C.R. My dr's. didn't really take the time to tell me about this, but the carefully monitored exercise made all the difference in my recovery.
My recovery time

My recovery time

Since I asked Karlynn to start this poll. I thought I had better come in and thank all of you who voted. I was surprised that 8 people voted 2 months. :eek: We all had the same type surgery..The full chest maybe the 8 that voted had the heartport? I know the sternum takes 6 months to all those cells .. Muscle, ect...having to find their way back home :p ..I think that 6 months is the average time..Your body is healed..may take a little longer..for pumpheadness to get better. :D I still think the 1 year mark..was when I felt like I was normal again... Also, those of us taking Warfarin takes a while to get your INR in range..and I think a lot of people just get upset..and finally when it stays in Range..we start to get on with our lives. :) thanks again for Newbies will have some idea what to expect... Things do get better..just a little longer for some. Bonnie


Thanks Karlynn and Granbonny - I have to say I was searching the word "children" to find info on what anyone said/did with their kids prior to surgery (did not find that yet) and stumbled upon this thread. I guess that's where I was supposed to be tonight! I am about 6 weeks out - and this was one of the best "threads" of what you all felt before and after. Frankly, I think I understand why I eat tiny meals and don't feel like "digesting" never thought about it being heart related. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR HONESTLY SHARING!! I hope to be in the "2 month" category come July!