Hi Susan
Hi Susan
I cannot believe you are sitting at computer typing and just 1 week post-op
I couldn't even talk on phone..
Just wanted to rest, walk and drink juices... Watch those shoulders sitting at computer....#1 pain complaint from post-operation.
That and the back.....things must have improved in the 18 months since my VR. Ran into a friend at P.O. yesterday. Just 2 weeks post-op..Fully dressed with makeup..said she was not weak..felt great.
She is about my age...showed me her scar. Very red.
Cannot remember mine being that red..also said she had her stitches out the day before? I thought we were all wired.
My community lost another member Sunday Night with a massive heart attack. Nice gentleman..age 79... No previous heart problems. Also, my dear friend, who had his open-heart surgery a few months after me..(also lives here)..now only 3 months to live. Skin cancer..spread to his brain and lungs.
We watched our Grandkids at pool for past several years. ..I know they will miss their Granddad..Sorry, Susan did not mean to get off track on your thread............I am so happy for you. Take care. Bonnie