Thanks to my Hubby, John

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
This forum has been sitting here empty for 6 months.:( :( So, I would like to give a BIG thanks and I love you..:) :) to my Hubby of 36 years, John..:D :D for all the support (driving me to Doctor's, cooking, cleaning, shopping and all the other things he has done for me in the past 10 months....Took 3 months to find my aneurysm..We went yesterday to my PCP..John sat quietly for an extra hour of waiting..never complaining..but that should do it..I'm through...Got the flu the Amox 500 for Dentist on Monday..(Should I tell him my arm is sore today):D :D Get him to vaccum? ;) ;) ;) Just wanted to bring this forum alive again..Thanks John..You are :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: Bonnie
You are always the perfect CHEERLEADER and now showing to be a wonderful wife.

I too, need to show some special

Thank You

to my wife of 38 years who is long suffering.

Thanks to all the Cheerleaders who have been there through all of this:
What a great post, Bonnie!!! Yep, get him to do the vacuuming, he, he, he!!!!!!! Ev
Well done Bonnie

Well done Bonnie

Congratulations on opening the 'Significant Others' forum after a long period of closure.

I was beginning to think that the significant others were becoming insignificant.
Billy -

You could Never become INSIGNIFICANT!! Woooo, thats a big word.


Go Granbonny,

I am sooooo glad you posted in the forum! This board could be such a valuable tool for the loved ones and it needed to be revived! I am going to try very hard personally to check in here. This site helps me remember that our family really did go through valvereplacement ( does it every feel like a dream to anyone else) I like remembering! Just like I like to hear Hank click!!! makes me greatful all over again!
Have a wondermous day everyone!
There's something wrong with this picture....

There's something wrong with this picture....

Now Michelle... What's up with this?? No avatar for our 'first lady? ?! :eek:



ok, I'll have Hank get me one this weekend. I was thinking maybe... Faith Hill?? :D
hi michelle!
funny you should mention it, but i have _so many times_ said to joey that this whole thing feels and seems like it was ll a dream to me. i have to look at and actually touch his scars to get close to feeling that it happened!!!
what is that? is it that it is such a stressful time that we just go through it doing what we need to do and tuck our feelings away for the time being? it seems like another lifetime to me... and, i don't even get to listen to any clicking!!!!
hope you're all well, sylvia
I was thinking today, what a long, hard climb Joe has had. Thinking back and remembering all of the very difficult things he's lived through is a little like looking over the edge of the roof on a skyscraper. You know, that horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach, and the feeling that you're going to fall back down.

I always try to keep thinking ahead, but it's hard not to think about it. And it is a large part of our lives. Plus it makes me so proud that Joe is the fighter he is.
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hi Sylvia,
Maybe because when we went through it, everything was so surreal....(I can't believe this is happening to us... OPEN HEART SURGERY.....) Ya get thrown into this world of medicine and hospitals and illness and just as quickly they spit ya back out. Kind of leaves your head spinning... so when you go back to your regular life you kind of know a huge thing happened to you, but it is still so unreal.

You said you touch his scar sometimes to remember. I know exactly what you mean. For me it is the clicking. He never hears it and I dont hear it often, but when I do, it helps me to remember... I dont want to ever forget! I learned some incredible things going through that trial. My priorities were shifted for the better, hearing his click reminds me that he could be gone right now... better give him a hug and tell him I love him and savor the fact that he's still here.
Have a great day!
A Fighter!

A Fighter!

I havn't posted to you personally before but I've read many many of your posts. It is amazing to me the trials you two have endured and triumphed over!!! Just wanted to reply and let you know that I think you are a fighter too.

P.S. Try to avoid skyscrapers ;)