Thanks, George!

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Imagine my surprise this afternoon when I came out my front door ready to go for my evening walk. There was a paper bag there with two bottles of nice Central Coast red wine, and a Valve cap! Also a nice card from the "staff at CUHS" wishing me good health.

Now since George DiMundo is the only person I know on the staff at CUHS who (1) knows what kind of wine I like; (2) knows where I live; (3) knows about, I suspect he is the culprit.

George, you could have at least knocked and said "hi!" I might have even dragged you along on the walk with me, or else skipped the walk and opened one of the bottles. :p

George, please thank everyone for me. It was a great surprise and made my day at the end of what's been a tough week for me.

I was thinking I needed a cap with a bigger brim for the Yosemite trip with the 5th graders in a few weeks; now I've got it! If anyone asks me what Valve is, I'm going to tell them that I bought my new valve over the Internet and got a great deal! Tell a friend - :D

I'll call you this weekend to catch up.
My address is......

My address is......

Hey George!! Can I send you my address?? :p

The nicest people end up needing heart surgery. .... why is that? :confused:

That was very kind and thoughtful of you, George. Thanks. :)
<< The nicest people end up needing heart surgery. .... why is that? >>

You know, Rain, I've been wondering that myself. They also get cancer and all kinds of other unpleasant things. (My husband's niece, a delightful young woman, has MS.)

Is it a "PLAN" to test us? To make us better people? If it's a PLAN, I hope some day I get a chance to have a chat with the "PLANNER" about this. He/She might want to consider going back to planning school. ;) ;) ;)

I sort of feel like Tevye when he sings:

"Dear God, you made many, many poor people.
I realize, of course, that it's no shame to be poor.
But it's no great honor either!
So, what would have been so terrible if I had a small fortune?"

So, what would have been so terrible if I had had a good valve?

As for making us better people: I don't really subscribe to the theory that pain and suffering make you a better, nicer, or even more compassionate person. At least it doesn't work that way for me. I find that I am a much nicer person when I am feeling well and happy. Pain and suffering just make me crabby.:mad: