Thank You To The People Who Sent Cards While I Was In The Hospital.

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Evelyn & Tyce
John Cochran
Blanche & Al
Simon Gee
Sue Weimer
Jim L
Al & Thelma
Clark, Beth, Ashley, and Kelsey
Jennifer O
Pat Lord
Steve & Colleen
Bill & Alinda
Janice Shutts
Tom & Tina
Nancy & Joe
Wayne and Mary Beth
Terry McNulty

If I've left anyone out, please speak up so I can search the bag of cards again. I think I got all of them. I'm sorry, I just found another bag of them. So the list will be appended. Some of you have sent multiple cards. You know who you are, so I won't take up more space for those.

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Hi Ross :)

Glad that you recieved the card and that all has went well.

I'm so happy to see you Mouse! Now you know where my home away from home is. I wouldn't say that all went well with that surgery, but I made it. I think I may have the record for the longest time in CSICU-From July 22 to Sept 9 then in patient rehab from the 9th to the 20th. Anyway, thanks so much for your support. :)
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I apologize for not sending you a card but I was watching the forum for news of how you were doing on a daily basis. As you know I was going through my recovery the same time you were.

You have been a most inspirational person and a much valued asset to all of us going through the waiting and the recovery. You are a wealth of knowledge and I so pleased you are getting back to your old self.

So very glad you are on the mend and I look forward to many more of your insights and suggestions.

I look at it this way Ross....

You went to the hospital with a severe problem and underwent a serious operation, you came home in 1 piece and breathing on your own, I'd say things went Well! :)

I told you months ago that you would not go through this alone and from the list above, I was right. I may be miles away and never actually see you in person but remember that I am only an email away.

hensylee: Thank You for your warm welcome onto the forum :)

Walter: I wish you speed in your recovery.
Walter, no apology necessary. I'm just happy that yours went as well as it did. Your still here to pester and that makes me very happy! :D By the way, did my son Steve ever send you his resume'?

Not yet. Keep after him as I know a lot of folks in the business and can get it in front of some key people.

Will do. Thanks for your efforts. The whole job and economy thing is really getting him down. Heck, it's even taking it's toll on the wife and I.
Hey Rossman! No problem, You guys were all so supoortive of me, while I was going through my surgery and recovery, so I am glad support everyone on this forum. You guys are like my family now. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you! I am so glad you made it! Keep up the good work!