Jeff Summers
Hi. This is my first posting I had a 6 cm anuerysm and a St Judes Aortic valve replacement surgery on 6/7/00. I had a heart cath done prior to surgery, and the Doc said he could drive a Mac truck through my coronary arteries, but the valve and anuerysm nned to be fixed. That surgery went fine. On 6/7/01 I had my one year anniversary at my cardiologist office with a Thallium Treadmill, 2-d echo and abdominal aortic sonogram. Thallium treadmill results say that the heart muscle is not getting PROPER BLOOD FLOW, and they want me on nitro. I am a 39 year old male, I have no chest pains, I made 14 minutes on the treadmill-at the end running up an 18 degree incline. I hear that Thallium test can give false positives. I meet with the Doc on 6/18/01 and I really don't want to take the nitro.
Anybody else out there have this happen to them?
Coumadin and a baby aspirin are the only drug that I am currently on.

Anybody else out there have this happen to them?
Coumadin and a baby aspirin are the only drug that I am currently on.